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=== Magician Guides ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===   
=== --------------------------------------------------------Magician Guides -------------------------------------------------- ===   
There are 4 sub-categories found in Magician Guides.
There are 4 sub-categories found in Magician Guides.

Revision as of 14:27, 28 December 2009

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Video Guides

Magatia (Zenumist)

Magatia (Alcadno)


All guides including Class Guides and Quest Guides

Main Class Guides

Main article: Category:Classes

4th Job Advancement Guide - A guide to teach you how to do your 4th Job Advancement.

Class Choosing Guide - A good beginner's guide on how to choose your class on MapleStory with pros and cons.

Beginner Guides

The Perma Beginner Guide

Chayce's Dice Rolling Guide - How to roll the perfect stats.

Beginner! - Introduction to the main 4 classes with the (partial) addition of pirate


Hakfkj2's Beginner Guide - From a weak beginner to a strong cleric!

The controls to start your adventure with. (Includes MapleEurope's controls)


The Beginner

Kraix's Beginner Guide

The main Beginner guide

Registration and Beginning Guide - A complete guide on how to start in the vast world of MapleGlobal.

The Beginners Guide to Maple Story.

The Maple's Story Guide.

ATTENTION MUST MUST READ!!! BEFORE MAKING A 4TH JOB GUIDE - I dont know the appropriate place please switch if you know

--------------------------------------------------------Magician Guides --------------------------------------------------

There are 4 sub-categories found in Magician Guides.

Main article: Magician

The Ultimate Magician's Handbook - Information On Mages [My First Post]

The ULTIMATE Magician Guide - All magician classes and jobs. =)

The magician guide - All you'd want to know about magicians.Bring it on!;)

Bellatrixa's Beginner Guide To Magicians - From 1 - 30, completely in depth.

The Starter's Guide to Magician (Lv 1-30) - The Complete Guide for Magicians, with tips & tricks to help you along

DanTe's Luckless Magician Guide - How to make your lukless magician strong!

Easy Starting of the magician

Starting a Magician - A guide which tell you how to start off with a magician.

The perfect training guide for your magician - Training Areas for Cleric-to-be.

Magician - The MapleWiki guide for all Magicians!

Magician-Bishop Guide 

Good Magician Guide - Quite a detailed and complete one!

Brianattack's magician+ f/p wizard training guide - Newly added guide

TwilightK3y's Magician Training Guide-Good(recommended) places to train to save a great amount of meso

Magician Advantages Guide - It includes which mage is stronger at what time frame.

Conflict's Magician Training Guide - My guide for all magicians!NOT COMPLETE

VenusTiger's Luckless Magician Guide In Detail and improving - posted on the forums too.

Luckless magician guide - All you need to know about the luckless magician. Cheaper to maintain, stronger at certain levels.

SSRPro's Claw Magician Guide - A guide to a magician who wants to attack with Magic Claw

Magican Noob Guide - Incomplete ,needs translation.

MageGuidebyRini - As of yet, a first class guide to Magicians. Somewhat repetitive of Mage guides and uses borrowed information.

Magician Guide by DawnofHeart - Done by DawnofHeart

Hakfkj2's Magician Guide - My very own Magician Guide!

Salazar's Guide to the Perfect Mage - Great way to train, gain faster exp, and use a reasonable amount of money.

Vinsont2's guide on where to train a magician My opinion on where to train as a mage.

Mythril's Advanced Magician Guide - My very own magician guide for level 8 -70!

Typical magician guide - A player-made guide based on his experience of going through about 20 magicians.

Ice/Lightning Wizard

I/L wizard guide- Not perfect,but perfect-to-be!

Magicbeast22's ice and lightning guide (pre-mage through ice and lightning mage)

magicbeast22's magic guide for ap and sp-the regular and ice and lightning mages, 1-120, Updated as much as possible!

Ice/lightning wizard training areas - Areas to train for an Ice/lightning Wizard.

Scorwix's ice/lightning wizard guide - An in-depth guide for ice/lightning wizards. 3rd job is yet to be implemented.

Guide to I/L mages - The first guide on MapleWiki to explain Ice/Lightning Mages -By Supagician of Khaini (incomplete)

Places for Ice/Lightning Wizards to train - A simple guide yet short but teaches Ice/Lightning Wizards their skill build and training areas!

Artiste's Ice and Lightning Wizard Guide - A totally new guide for new 2nd job Ice/Lightning Wizard!

Ice Lightning Wizard Guide - Another guide found in the long list of articles.

Wizard Ice/Lightning Challenging Training Areas - Training Areas for Ice/Lightning Wizards.

Steveoexl94's Magician Guide - In Progress

Tenz's Guide to an Evenly Distributed, Effective Ice/Lightning Mage - Only skill points are discussed, but discussed thoroughly.


Hakfkj2's Cleric Guide - Cleric Guide

Jackie's guide for clerics - Cleric Guide

Atrovhg's 1st cleric guide - The builds, skills etc.

Strength Cleric - Remember to read! (very special)

Conflict's Cleric Guide - My guide for People wanting to become Clerics!

Sanctum's Battle/Party Cleric Guide - A guide which will last you till your 2nd job!

Dominican2456's Cleric Guide! - Level 1-120 Guide into becoming a Cleric

MakeWizards guide Guide for magician and cleric.

DUfire's guide to the Meso Saving Cleric - A great guide on leveling at the same rate as a normal INT Cleric and save mesos at the same time!

Useful Cleric Guide!Plz read it is quite useful!!!

Cleric Perfect Guide - A guide that will last you till level 70!

JezzaRules Cleric Guide - The ultimate guide for premagicians till Bishops!

In-Depth Cleric/Priest Guide - Cleric and priest guide the secrets behind a cleric

Holy Arrow Cleric / Priest Guide Levels 1~120 - A holy arrow cleric which also shows the advantage of having it.

Jaewonnie's Cleric Guide - A cleric guide that covers skill builds, AP usage, training spots, 3rd job advancement etc.

Jackie's guide for clerics - Cleric guide which should be enough for any cleric (covers from level 30 to 70).

Magician to Bishop

Party Mage to Bishop Guide - Yao12310 I finished it, and includes all builds.

Markus102 Guide from Beginner class up to Bishop class - Markus102's guide from beginning to Bishop..still being worked on..

Fire/Poison Wizard

Devilrymage's F/P mage guide Detailed skill guide with training spots for fire mages.

Guide to fire/poison wizard - Skill builds for F/P wizards.

Fire and Poison Mage Guide - A Fire/Poison Wizard's Life and it seriously needs reformatting.

Fire/Poison Wizard Build - On the top it is the magician build, scroll down for the Fire/Poison Wizard build.

-Simple Guide- Fire Poison - easy guide for fire poison wizards.

---------------------------------------------------Warrior Guides ----------------------------------------------------------

Main article: Warrior

Warrior (first job)

R1e2u3b4e5n6's warrior guide - R1e2u3b4e5n6's simple to understand guide!

A Hp Warrior Guide - A guide for HP Warriors.

Detailed Warrior Guide - The guide which teaches you to be a great warrior! (just like Dance with Balrogs>.<)

Flameflyer's Guide to Warriors - An extremely successful warrior guide, especially for fighters to be.

The smart first job build - for warriors - anyone can add skills and make a build but, is it the best way to do so?

Warrior - Fighter Guide

Spearman (second job-1)

Spearman, Spear Guide - The Guide for Spearman

EagleSlash's Spear Dk Guide

Hadrael's Spearman Guide - An excellent guide for all who wish to follow the path of a spearman to become a Dragon Knight

Warrior6996's spearman guide- Simple helps for skills and AB.

Bewnt's Guide to being a Spearman

Page(second job-2)

Yanno94's Ultimate Page Guide - A guide to become the ultimate -or almost ultimate- page.

Miyakazumi's Page & White Knight Guide - The guide for all Pages and White knights

Dagon's Guide for Pages and Beyond - A guide to help those on the path of Pages

TheGamePhreak's Page Skill Build - A skill build that entails the essential skills for the path of the Page.

Joebob's Page Guide

Fighter(second job-3)

The How to Fighter Guide (Needs a small touch-up in the Training Section)

The Complete Fighter guide from 1-70 - A guide for a beginner to advance(this guide needs to be reviewed by owner)

Dominican2456's White Knight's Guide - Not done still a work in progress

Warrior Guides under construction

A good guide to use to get to lvl 30 FAST (working on it) - Too long winded...

HP Warrior Guide - 20% completed

Zygo's Page and White Knight Guide (In Progress) For those who want to be a page!

Bowman Guides ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Main article: Bowman

The Archer Guide

Bowman Guide - MapleTip's created Bowman guide, modified into Wiki.

A Bowmaster's Guide - First complete guide that teaches you how to be a bowmaster from a bowman!(By User:kangmingjj a bowmaster in delphinus)[Only guide updated regulaly.]

The Bowman Guide - Everything you need to know to become a powerful Bowman

Dominican2456's Sniper Guide - My (incomplete) guide but has some decent information on a sniper from level 1-120

Archers training places - Good guides for training places

Archer Guide - Guide for archers (:

Bowman Guide - A random guide someone made, it's good though.

Bowman Skill Build - Ways to put your skill points as a bowman.

Crossbowman (Guide) - The first crossbowmen guide (finally!)

Xbowman guide - For that archer(bowman)desiring to be a crossbow man ;)

Archer's Guide - Well, is just my first try, I have been an archer before :D

Crossbowman Guide - AHH!

Tetrix's Bowman Guide - Essential guide for Bowmans. (under construction)

Thief Guides ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Main article: Thief

Thief Guide - The Thief Guide from MapleTip, translated into Wiki form.

Thief Training Reference / Guide - A list of areas, and how to benefit from them, at what levels.

A guide to teach you how to prepare to become a thief - Nicely written

Mgelo21's Ultimate Guide to Hybrid Sins (MUGHS)- My guide to Hybrid Sins (not a sindit). (2nd job not available)

Zattara's Guide To Become A Rogue - How to get the first thief job Rogue, simplified and easy!

Beginners Guide to Thiefs - A very well written guide which describes the skill points you need to add in.

Dale's Dagger Thief Guide - A guide for Bandits-to-be.

XxHiTLiStxx guide to becoming a Thief

Cheifyoyo's guide through a dagger thief - It'll last you through lvl 1 until lvl 30 w/ job advancement guides.

Drakwood's Thief - Hermit Guide - a complete guide from Beginner to Hermit.

Dexless Thief

Dexless thief guide - How to put all AP into LUK to increase damage


Kiyobi's Guide to Dagger Assassins contains some useful info towards becoming a dagger proficient Assassin.

Sindit- My guide to the Sindit. *REFURBISHED* ~ By Aleczorich



The Bandit

Jaspar's Dexless bandit guide - A guide that shows you how to make an Extremely Powerful bandit.

TheGamePhreak's Bandit Guide - A guide that suggests a perfect/near perfect build for the Bandit path.

Shadowyst's Bandit Guide - ~An upgraded version of the real guide (To suit other players)~

Banditter3's Bandit and Rogue Guide - Lists the Pros and Cons of a thief. (incomplete)

Darkpak's Bandit guide - The guide which states the training areas for bandits.

Party Bandit - A bandit who parties people....

Cheifyoyo's bandit to a shadower guide - Another Cheifyoyo guide!! yay (or maybe not) I will be showing the hybrid version


GameAngel's Thief/Assassin Guide!- Yay it's another GameAngel guide!

Claw Thief: Standard Build by HunterRicky

Darkdude821's Dexless Sin Guide- My guide on how to make a dexless thief/sin

HunterRicky's Claw Thief Guide- A more detailled guide than the most common ones. (Incomplete)

Mapledude132's Claw Thief Guide by Mapledude132

The guide for thiefs from Level 1-70 - A guide that will last you till your 3rd Job Advancement!

Assassin Haste Build - Just a list which states a Skill Build

Theif/Assassin Guide - xxlilalan's guide for Level 1~70. [So far]

Pirate Guides ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Main article: Pirate

thegreatkate's In-Depth Pre-Gunslinger Guide - the Ultimate Gunslinger Guide; includes training locations, what to buy, which quests to do, where to put you AP and SP, starting on Maple Island, ending with a mini-guide on the Second Job Advancement To Gunslinger. Coming Soon: Strengthless gunslinger guide!

Kometto's Pirate Guide - Wow this is the first pirate guide! With images to show you the moves!

Beginners' Guide to Pirate - It describes the characteristics of the pirate and also ap to add on when you're still a beginner. More info inside...

1st to 4th Job Pirate - Skill builds till the 3rd Job Advancement

Kundaros brawlers and gunslinger guides- very detailed any reserched


Main article: Brawler Class

Brawler Guide

Pirate Brawler Guide


Main article: Gunslinger

thegreatkate's In-Depth Pre-Gunslinger Guide - the Ultimate Gunslinger Guide; includes training locations, what to buy, which quests to do, where to put you AP and SP, starting on Maple Island, ending with a mini-guide on the Second Job Advancement To Gunslinger. Coming Soon: Strengthless gunslinger guide!

Gunslinger AP and SP Build - Gunslingers' build

JoeBob's Gunslinger Guide - Gunslingers' build and training

Peacemastaa's Pirate to Gunslinger to Outlaw to Corsair Guide - From a Gunslinger to a Corsair.

Maplearcher 22's gunslinger guide - it starts at pirate, and as i get to know the skills, im going to extend it

Knights of Cygnus Guide

Main article: Knights Of Cygnus

Thunder Breaker

Minjisku's Striker Guide

Seeme87's Striker Guide - Everything You Need To Know

OMGHEALPLZ's Low Level Thunder Breaker Guide

Thunder Breaker Guide

Blaze Wizard

Puppyswan's Blaze Wizard Guide

Flame Wizard/Blaze Wizard Guide

Dawn Warrior

Greatest Ever Dawn Warrior Guide

LIghtzere's Dawn Warrior Guild

Dawn Warrior Guide

Soul Master

Wind Archer

Wind Archer Guide

Simple Wind Archer - Simple,easy.

Night Walker

Night Walker Guide

The Five Heroes Guide

Note: The Five Heroes are those who sealed up the Black Wizard hundred years ago in the Maple World.

Aran Guide

Main article: Aran

Tetrix's Aran Guide - Aran's guide up to Level 70.

Aran Guide - A guide for Aran, lasts you from Lv. 1 to 200. Very detailed. Very very detailed.

Evan Guide

Main article: Evan

Evan class is not available in any versions, other than KMS.

Etc. Guides

Quest Guides

Guides on how to complete quests.

Guild Quest

Sharenian Guild Quest

Party Quests

Mu Lung Dojo PQ

Mu Lung Dojo

====Special Agent Training: Monster Battle PQ====(it was also an event so it is now over Special Agent Training: Monster Battle - similar to Mu Lung Dojo.

Poisonous Fog PQ

Ellin Party Quest Under construction

Magatia PQ

Magatia Party Quest - Our very first Magatia PQ Guide!

Haunted Mansion PQ (Event)

Haunted Mansion PQ - Halloween Event only PQ.

Haunted Mansion PQ Guide - By Kennytran4

Zakum PQ

Full Zakum PQ Guide - First Zakum PQ Guide co-created by yongjianrong and kangmingjj

Ariant Coliseum PQ

Ariant PQ Basic Guide - Yay! First guide on Ariant PQ posted!

Ludibrium PQ

Nikovici's Ludibrium P.Q. Guide

Party Quest (Ludibrium) - MapleWiki's official guide to completing the Ludibrium PQ!

Yxin777's Ludi Pq guide - A short and simple guide on doing Ludibrium PQ.

Guide to Picking Classes for the Ludibrium PQ (levels 35-50) - Title self explanatory.

Kerning City PQ

Conflict's Kerning Party Quest(KPQ) Guide - My guide for KPQ

Party Quest (Kerning City) - MapleWiki's official guide to completing the Kerning City PQ!

Kerning City PQ Guide - Simple guide on how to do the Kerning City Party Quest.

How to KPQ - Teaches you how to KPQ.

Orbis PQ

OPQ Guide - Detailed information,fun tricks,and tips to help you along!

The ultimate guide to doing Orbis PQ! - Main Article: Party Quest(Orbis)

Orbis Party Quest's Unique Guide - The perfect ways to do both rush and full Orbis PQ!

Orbis PQ Guide - Basic Guide

Herb Town PQ (Davy John's Pirate Party Quest)

Herb Town Party Quest Guide - A full guide explaining how to do the Davy John's Pirate Party Quest

Henesys PQ

Henesys Party Guide

Henesys PQ Special Guide - A new guide for Henesys PQ.

Henesys Party Quest Guide‎- A guide for HPQ with pictures and by kennytran4

How to HPQ - A guide written by a guy who went through HPQ a few thousand times.

Ghost Ship in the Sea Mist‎ PQ

Ghost Ship in the Sea Mist‎ - Another guide by User:kangmingjj

Non-MapleSEA PQs

Ludibrium Maze PQ Guide - The first guide for LMPQ with a chart to help you out of the maze! By kennytran4

Monster Carnival

Monster Carnival - A quick and fast way to level! You have to try it!

Monster Carnival Guide - An easy guide done by our very own admin, Yongjianrong

Laststandb's carnival pq guide (I/L)- A in depth guide done by Laststandb

Monster Carnival Season 2- done by User:kangmingjj

4th Job Advancement

4th Job Advancement Guide - A guide to teach you how to do your 4th Job Advancement.

Fourth Job Skills - The newly added skills for 4th job!

Items needed for Quests

Full Quest List

Quests You Should Do- The moneymaking quests! (And the quests that give you armor for those of you not funded)

Misc. Guides


Hacked!- How to prevent being for someone who's sick and tired of hackers.

Halloween Quests - Halloween Quests

From Zlich to Millions - Ways to earn money suggested by our very own web-master, Stephen.

Rankings - A place to check your rankings when you have inserted your character information into your User page.

Meso - Article on the currency used in Maplestory, "Meso".

Randallrocks's Guide To Getting Mesos - How to make mesos fast and easily.

Level experience - Great way to find the amount of experience needed for your next level.

El Nath Newbie Guide - A helpful guide for those low-leveled and stuck in El Nath.

Hidden Streets - A helpful way to find the hidden places in MapleStory.

Guide to selling items - A guide that will teach you how to sell things!

Fourth Job - Everything that is known about the fourth job advancement.

Guilds - An in-depth guide explaining guilds.

How to create and keep a guild active. - A Guide for GuildMakers by NightFlurry, Deputy Head Of MTDynasty And Head Of MTDynasty Windia, Also Many More Guilds In GMS Windia.

GameAngel's Guide to Making Mesos- A guide for making mesos! :D

Item Price List The growing list of prices for items.

Some pointers on Netiquete and playing behaviors

Maple Ethics - If you want to know if you have offended someone

MapleWiki:Storybooks - A list of Maple Stories you can read about.

How NOT to be scammed - Teaches you to prevent from getting scammed.

MapleStory-Related Websites - List of MapleStory related websites.

ITCG forging - Teaches you how to make itcg items.

Farming for Landlubbers - some tips on how to get that millionth snail shell (or anything else).

Maplestory Dictionary - A dictionary guide to some words, slang, and Abbrievations! Please help contribute.

Scrolling an Attack Work Glove - A brief guide about scrolling an Attack Work Glove