Dual Blade

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This is an index of guides for Dual Blades. If you would like to create your own guide, please view the create guides page for more information.



The Dual Blade is the newest class in Global MapleStory as of v.88 on July 21, 2010. It is a branch of the Thief class, yet highly separated and identified by their flashy, quick, stabbing and slashing skills.

"There is a secret war raging in the heart of Kerning City. Lady Syl, the former Dark Lord’s daughter, wages a silent war against the current Dark Lord and his Thieves from an unknown location simply known as the ‘Secret Garden’. Convinced that the current Dark Lord is responsible for her father's death, Lady Syl seeks revenge with the aid of her Dual Blades that wield a deadly weapon in each hand."

Dual Blades have a slightly changed equipment menu. Dual Blades do not possess a shield slot, instead they have a secondary weapon slot. They wield a dagger in their main weapon slot and a katara in their secondary weapon slot.

  • Note from a player: Dual Blades actually DO have a shield slot but when you try to equip a shield, it says 'Dual Blade characters cannot equip shields'

Back Story

Dual Blader, The Instrument of Revenge!

A grave misunderstanding which has put out the flames of love, Lady Syl seeks revenge against the Dark Lord for a crime he did not commit.

Now, as her plans are coming to fruition, together with her force of Dual Bladers, the final confrontation against the Dark Lord is near!

The title Dark Lord is known by many, yet only whispered by few, for just the words alone invokes a dark and terrifying image…

Unknown to many, the Dark Lord isn’t one of evil nature, but rather, like many other heroes in Maple, his purpose in life is to stop the ever present evil that threatens the very existence of the world. Sadly, The path of a Dark Lord is a lonely one. Always observing Maple from his dark abode, the Dark Lord keeps an eye on evil, waiting for the right moment to strike before disappearing once against into the shadows.

Former Dark Lord

The Former Dark Lord was a great man, and like all Dark Lords before him, he had always placed the world of Maple before himself. During his time as a Dark Lord, he had groomed two promising students to be his future successors, a young man called Jin and his very own daughter Lady Syl. Jin and Lady Syl were both excellent students, not only in skill, but in heart as well. The Former Dark Lord was happy to have them as students, and cherished them dearly.

As they trained and worked together, romance was formed between them, and it grew as they continued to work together. 

One fateful day, an urgent notice came from Tristan, a good friend of the Former Dark Lord. The extremely dangerous and evil Balrog has been resurrected, and has started to destroy Victoria Island. Knowing that time is of the essence, he headed off to Victoria Island immediately after receiving the notice, strictly forbidding his loved students from following him.

Upon reaching Sleepywood in Victoria Island, he could not find his friend Tristan. Not wasting any time, The Former Dark Lord left to track down Balrog immediately. Eventually he found and confronted Balrog alone.

The fight was one to be seen, as two equally powerful opponents confronted each other in mortal combat. Balrog was a dangerous opponent, his physical prowess rivaled by few, and has the forces of evil to back him up. As the fight continued, Former Dark Lord started to grow weary, and with just a split-second lapse in concentration, Balrog’s evil spirit slipped pass his defence and wrecked his soul, destroying it and transforming his body into a monster. 

The Former Dark Lord, now an empty shell of what he once was, has been transformed into a monster which he has dedicated his life to destroying!

Unknown to the Former Dark Lord, Jin had disobeyed his orders and was secretly following him, and had witness the whole combat. He confronted the Former Dark Lord, the one figure in his life which is almost like a father to him, trying to reason to the now mindless monster to remember what it once was. Alas, all his attempts were in vain, and knowing what he had to do, he reluctantly attacked the monster that still had the face of his beloved mentor, and defeated it.

Her Heart Grows Cold…

Carrying the body back with him with tears streaming down his eyes, he buried his Master’s corpse in honor and took up the role of Dark Lord. But Balrog’s destruction did not just stop at the Dark Lord. Upon knowing about her father’s death, Lady Syl was devastated. Her mind and soul was shattered, she started to blame Jin for not protecting her father. Slowly over time, her anguished mind ran wild, and she started to believe that Jin engineered her father’s death to take up the position of Dark Lord.

Jin tried to convince her otherwise, knowing and trying to explain that he would have sacrificed everything he had to protect the Dark Lord, but it was in vain. Lady Syl’s heart was already cold, and her mind made up. Jin has caused her father’s death and she would take revenge on him. Before leaving, Jin tried to reason with her once more, begging her to remember the love they once shared, and her father’s honor and greatness.

However, it fell on death ears, her only reply was that Jin would suffer a fate equal to that of her father in pain and anguish when the time comes……

The Plan Has Been Set In Motion!

Jin the Dark Lord knows that the time of confrontation will be soon, but he does not yet know exactly when or from where.

In the mean time, a man going by the name of Rayden in the back alley of Kerning City is approaching travellers, making an interesting offer.

And at the Secret Garden, Lady Syl gathers her forces of elite Dual Bladers as she tends to the garden, her heart still filled with bitterness and rage against the Dark Lord.

However, no matter how much rage and bitterness she felt towards him, a tiny ember of the blazing love she once had for Jin remains still. Would it be extinguished completely, or would it grow once again, before it is too late?

(Copied from MapleSEA)

Job Tree

First Stage
Second Stage
Third Stage
Fourth Stage
Fifth Stage
Sixth Stage
Blade Recruit
Blade Acolyte
Blade Specialist
Blade Lord
Blade Master



Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
Dark Sight.gif Dark Sight Hides in the shadows. With Dark Sight active, you can neither attack nor be attacked. Supportive 10 x -
Flash Jump DB.png Flash Jump Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even further. The jumping distance increases as the skill level increases. Active 5 x -
Bandit Slash.png Bandit Slash Lashes out at a group of enemies with your off-hand weapon. Active 20 x -
Side Step.png Side Step Permanently increases Dodge Chance. Passive 10 x -

Blade Recruit

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
Katara Mastery.png Katara Mastery Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of daggers and kataras. Passive 10 x -
Tornado Spin.png Tornado Spin QDashes forward quickly to perform a powerful spin attack against multiple enemies.
Lv. 15 effects: Links to Lv. 10+ Flying Assaulter
Active 15 x -
Self Haste.PNG Self Haste Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump. Increases maximum Movement Speed permanently. Supportive 10 x -

Blade Acolyte

Blade Specialist

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
Katara Booster.png Katara Booster Doubles the attack speed of your weapon. Must have a Katara equipped. Supportive 10 x Lv. 5 Katara Mastery
Fatal Blow.png Fatal Blow Deals very quick consecutive attacks to a monster. Active 10 x -
Slash Storm.png Slash Storm Moves you forward while attacking multiple enemies. Active 20 x -
Chakra.gif Channel Karma Maximizes Weapon Attack power. Supportive 20 x -
Physical Training.png Physical Training Permanently improves LUK and DEX through sheer physical training. Passive 5 x -
Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
Flying Assaulter.png Flying Assaulter Fly down through the sky to slash nearby enemies with a chance to stun.
Lv. 10 effect: Links to Lv. 15 Tornado Spin and Lv. 10 Bloody Storm
Active 20 x -
Flashbang.png Flashbang Throws a flash bang to temporarily blind multiple monsters, with a chance to decrease the enemy Accuracy Rate. Active 5 x -
UpperStab.gif Upper Stab Launches multiple enemies into the air. You can deal additional damage by attacking the enemies in the air. Active 10 x -
Venomous Stab.png Venom Your dagger is permanently coated with venom, giving all your attacks the chance to Poison enemies. Poison is not stackable, and it cannot cause enemies' HP to drop below 1. Passive 20 x -

Blade Lord

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
BloodlyStorm.gif Bloody Storm A superior form of Slash Storm. Attacks multiple enemies at a very high speed with elaborate movements. Also provides passive damage increases for Tornado Spin and Flying Assaulter.
Lv. 10 effect: Links to Lv. 10 Flying Assaulter
Active 20 x Slash Storm Lv. 20
AdvDS.png Advanced Dark Sight Learning Stealth allows you to attack in Dark Sight, with a chance of not ending Dark Sight. There is a chance to automatically trigger Dark Sight on attack and attacking in Dark Sight will increase damage. Active 5 x Dark Sight Lv. 10
Mirror Image.png Mirror Image Summons a doppelganger that looks just like you to assist in attacks for a certain amount of time. Your doppelganger cannot use certain skills. Active 20 x -
Shadow Resistance.png Enveloping Darkness Cover yourself with darkness, increasing Max HP, Abnormal Status Resistance, and Elemental Resistance are permanently. Passive 10 x -
Chainsofhell.gif Chains of Hell Chains of Hell pulls an enemy close and deals 10 consecutive Critical strikes with a chance to stun. Stationary monsters must be in range. Active 20 x -
Shadow Meld.png Shadow Meld Increases your chance to dodge incoming attacks. A successful dodge will also put you into a 1 second frenzy where your attack power increases and every hit becomes a Critical. Active 20 x -
Life Drain.png Life Drain Chance to recover HP when attacking. You cannot recover more than 20% of your Max HP. Passive 5 x -

Blade Master

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
Maple Warrior.gif Maple Warrior Increases the stats of all party members. Active 30 x -
Hero's Will.png Hero's Will By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects. Supportive 5 x -
Sudden Raid.png Sudden Raid Calls in a horde of friends to set the stage on fire. Active 30 x -
FinalCut.gif Final Cut Sacrifices a significant amount of HP to deal powerful damage to multiple enemies. Has a small chance of causing instant death, and some skills will gain a damage bonus for a while. Active 30 x -
Blade Fury.png Blade Fury Spin furiously to damage nearby enemies. A portion of an enemy's defense will be ignored. Active 30 x -
Dual Wield Expert.png Dual Wield Expert Increases weapon mastery, Weapon ATT, Accuracy, and Avoidability of daggers and kataras. Passive 30 x Level 10 Katara Mastery
Phantom Blow.png Phantom Blow Deals a flurry of piercing attacks against one enemy. A portion of an enemy's defense will be ignored. Active 30 x -
MirroredTarget.gif Mirrored Target Permanently increases your Defense and Avoidability. Also turns your Mirror Image into a dummy that draws enemy attacks and absorbs damage. This skill can only be used when Mirror Image is active. Active 30 x Mirror Image Lv. 20
Toxic Venom3.png Toxic Venom Increases Venom's poison chance and permanently increases poison damage. Passive 10 x Level 20 Venom
Thorns (Skill).png Thorns Increases your ATT for a fixed period of time and allows you to resist knock-back effects when struck. Active 30 x -
Sharpness.png Sharpness Increases your Critical Hit Rate and minimum Critical Damage. Passive 10 x -

Release Dates

  • EMS: Summer 2011
  • MapleSEA: 10th November 2010
  • GMS: ???
Old Paper.gif
Evil paper.gif
Availability of Dual Blade
Test Server Available Available Available Available Available Available

Dual Blade Guides