Class Choosing Guide

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There is no best class. This is because game creators go through a process called class balancing. If there was a best class, everyone would be playing that class and there would be no need for a variety of classes. That is why game creators create an array of balanced classes: to make sure that varied playing experiences are available. Each class has its own pros and cons.

Therefore, the hard part is deciding which class fits you the best. It might be because of the massive damage, looks, or just for fun, but your class should fit your playing style. Otherwise, you'll probably become bored quickly and Maplestory won't be very much fun for you. Be aware, though, of the costs to run your character. If you are confused, just remember this: The more the money, the better the character can be.



Warriors are like tanks: they can take a lot of damage, and can deal it right back with Power Guard. As they are melee fighters, they cannot use ranged attacks, so they are given much more health and defense to compensate. While they can later prove to be quite powerful, warriors are generally eclipsed by some classes in 1st and 2nd job (you probably aren't playing for purely that, anyway, right?). The life of a warrior requires much patience, but to those willing to tough it out, it can be a rewarding experience.

There are eight different types of weapons available to the warrior class: Polearms, Spears, One Handed Blunt Weapons, Two Handed Blunt Weapons,One-handed axes, Two handed Axes, One Handed Swords, and Two Handed Swords. Except in the case of Spearmen and D(r)Ks, it is highly recommended to choose one weapon type and stick with it, as the second job advancement will only offer mastery skills for two or three weapons. With one weapon skill mastered, one can maximize the amount of damage they can potentially dish out.


  • Highest HP and defense of all classes.
  • Choice of 8 different weapon types.
  • Proficient at both mobbing and single targets.
  • More inventory space than other classes.
  • Generally good in CPQ
  • They do very high raw damage


  • No ranged attacks until 3rd job.
  • Lowest MP of all classes.
  • Damage is unstable in 1st job.
  • Low accuracy and avoidability.
  • They don't get a skill for faster movement, 4th job skill rush cant be Spammed
  • Must use power strike and slash blast until 3rd job

Edit: Warriors are usually asked to join a party for KPQ to kill all the monsters beside King Slime. This is because they mainly miss against it, and so other people will take the Slime Shoes.


Fighters are a powerful class, with incredible damage for single AND multiple targets. They get high power attack skills such as Final Attack and Rage, making them desirable for many PQs. Weapons available are swords and axes. Their damage-dealing capability is further enhanced by their advancement to Crusader, and even further to Heroes. Unfortunately they have poor range compared to the other classes.


  • Highest HP in the game.
  • Acquires Rage, which raises their party's attack by a significant amount.
  • Deal more damage than the other two on single elementally-neutral monsters in 3rd job, and on mobs of 2 or 3 in 4th job.
  • The skill Panic deals ENORMOUS damage at high levels instant 99.999
  • Really high damage but a fighter is very difficult to train


  • Lowest MP in the game.
  • Poor mob control in 2nd job, but regain it in 3rd and 4th.
  • Charging up Combo can lead to a string of unstable damage, axe or sword.
  • Panic needs to be charged up in order to deal good damage.


Pages focus on swords and blunt weapons, and also receive higher HP than Spearmen and more MP than Fighters. With the advancement to White Knight, Pages become capable of dealing damage sometimes exceeding fighters with any enemy weak to elemental attacks. On top of that, Paladins have a skill called Sanctuary that does an incredible 149'999 on 15 monsters.


  • Rarest Warrior.
  • More HP than Spearmen.
  • More MP than Fighters.
  • Deal more damage than the other two on single elementally-weak monsters in 3rd and 4th jobs, as well as on elementally-weak mobs of 4-6 in 4th job as a Paladin.
  • Become a very defensive class by 3rd and 4th job.
  • Incredible 4th job skill


  • Less HP than other Fighters.
  • Less MP than Spearmen.
  • Gain no party skill.
  • Lose their mob control in 2nd job, but regain it in 3rd and 4th.
  • Poor damage in earlier jobs makes it difficult to level pages.


Spearmen use Pole Arms and Spears. Generally, their attacking speed is quite slow. However, their 3rd jobs skills are very powerful and out damage almost every other class. Because of the length of their weapon, they also have the best range out of any other class. The good mob control and good party skills such as Hyper Body puts them in high demand for parties. They can advance towards Dragon Knighthood and further towards Dark Knighthood.


  • High maximum damage.
  • Mob control masters.
  • Acquire Hyper Body, essential to (Cross)Bow and Claw users in boss run survivability 3rd job and beyond.
  • Balanced HP and MP.
  • Larger melee range than Fighters and Pages.
  • Stable damage 3rd job and beyond.
  • Hybrid (those who use both weapons) D(r)Ks experience greater mob versatility that the other two 3rd job and beyond.

Also are good at Monster Carnival PQ (as all warriors)


  • Least HP than other Warriors if not made into HP warrior (I doubt it, you have hyper body).
  • Most unstable damage in 1st and 2nd jobs.
  • Slower attacking speed.
  • Beaten by the other two in 3rd and 4ths job on single targets.
  • Most common Warrior.


The hero class of a warrior, Aran, uses a polearm as a choice of weapon. Unlike the Spearman it uses skills that speed up it's attack in the 1st job. Also like the Spearman they have an extended distance of attack. They have the biggest close range mobbing skill [biggest mobbing skills are ultimates that hit 15 monsters] that hits 12 monsters. They advance but stay the same job [Aran]. A very quick way of training from Lvl 30 to 40 is at Cpq. If you can hit Toy Trojans, go into room 3 or 4. Ask the opposition to mass summon Toy Trojans, and just spam attack. You should level up very fast, and you get the added pleasure of getting some maple coins and trading in them for the Nine Dragons (Lvl 50 Polearm)


  • Gets a mob skill in 1st job.
  • Hits the biggest mob of monsters in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd job.
  • A great CPQR at level 40+. (Note: Arans are generally good in CPQ at any level.)
  • Unlike any other class it has the combo system.
  • Has combo skills that greatly help the attack of the Aran.
  • Combo Drain greatly reduces the need for potions.
  • Combo attacks can range up from 410%- 1500% of your attack depending on your job advancement.
  • Uses an ice element like the Cygnus Knights.
  • Combo skills use no MP.
  • Has critical unlike other warriors.
  • Combo Barrier makes monsters attacks weaker [like Magic Guard].

Edit: They also have higher MP than other warriors. (Note: Though Arans have higher MP than other warriors, they use much less MP than them, as skills which require combos (eg. Combo Smash, Combo Drain) do not require any MP. All it requires an amount of combos.


  • Lacks party skills only having 1 which is Combo Barrier.
  • Heros Will uses 5 SP instead of 1.
  • Has to repeatedly press the attack key for attacks.
  • Accuracy problems like all warriors.
  • Lower HP than a normal warrior.
  • Need to do quests for skills.
  • If Seduced/Stunned, it can break combo count.



Magicians are very abundant in the MS community. Magicians have very low hp, and they can't get very close to monsters, but ranged spells like Energy Bolt and Magic Claw, as well as the protection of Magic Guard more than make up for it. Magicians have good damage until 3rd job, when other classes get much more powerful attacks.Also, once you reach 2nd job, you have an available skill named MP Eater, which allows you to drain MP from enemies.


  • Fastest leveling throughout the whole game.
  • Incredible amounts of MP and MP recovery.
  • Stable damage throughout the game.
  • Can attack both up close and ranged.
  • Can attack through obstacles (Magic Claw).
  • Can take more damage earlier than other classes with Magic Guard.
  • The ultimate's (Blizzard, Meteor, Genesis) are by far the most powerful mobbing skills in the entire game, able to 0 hit ko all ordinary monsters. (Not including bosses or Time Temple). Don't be fooled by their poor dpm.
  • Highest damage among all classes in 1st job.
  • Acquires Improving MP Recovery skill. At the high levels (70+), the skill could be super useful since it may recover hundreds of MP per 10 seconds while standing, and even more when sitting.
  • Has some nice supportive skills in second job
  • At low levels, they deal the highest dpm.
  • Due to attacking with magic,(Monsters have poor magic defense at low levels can hit more monsters. (Example: While your level 10, you can hit Dark Stumps while other classes are stuck with slimes.)


  • Very low HP without Magic Guard.
  • Lots of money spent on MP pots until you get MP Eater in 2nd job unless you know how to conserve well.
  • Due to the reliance on elemental weaknesses, the leveling process can pit you against same enemies over and over
  • Very little inventory space.
  • Worst damage per minute at high levels.
  • If sealed,no skill, no hope

Notes: Magicians can "jump attack" by pressing the spell's assigned key and jump at the exact the same time. 2nd job+ mages can also "telecast", which is similar, replacing the jump key with the Teleport key. Ice strike can be used while jumping if done at the same frame. Note: Although other classes overpower in 3rd class, magicians have strong mob attacks and party skills that are liked among parties.


Fire/Poison wizards deal a lot of damage and can drain away at the monster's HP using poison spells. They are the fastest leveling magician at 3rd job due to poison mist's large area of affect.


  • Rarest Magician (Basically nowhere near how common other Magicians are).
  • Impressive 3rd job leveling speed because of poison mist.
  • Highest damage of 2nd adv Magicians.
  • Effective drain against high level enemies with poison.
  • Fire has the second most elemental advantage, second to holy.
  • Fast 4th job leveling with Meteor Shower (as with the other two).


  • Poison is not much of a use in early levels as a Fire/Poison.
  • Poison can be difficult to use if inexperienced.
  • The only fire offensive spell for 2nd job, Fire Arrow, is blocked by terrain (as with Assassins).
  • Poison ((Effect)) leaves the monster with 1 hp; it cannot kill a monster.
  • No mobbing skill until 3rd job
  • Poor bossing in 3rd job
  • Meteor Shower uses an incredible amount of mp.


Ice/Lightning wizards can freeze their opponents and bombard them with spells that hit multiple enemies at once.


  • Always have mob skills (Thunderbolt at 2nd job, Ice Strike at 3rd, and Chain Lightning/Big Bang/Blizzard at 4th).
  • MP Eater + Lightning will often get a great amount of MP back.
  • Cold Beam isn't blocked by terrain.
  • Constant freezing usually spells less potion use due to lack of HP loss.
  • Damage on ice-/lightning weak monsters is generally more than a Cleric's/Priest's/Bishop's damage on Holy-/Heal- weak monsters


  • Damage on ice-/lightning-weak monsters is generally less than an F/P's damage on fire-weak monsters
  • Lightning has the second least elemental advantage
  • Lightning is expensive in MP in 2nd job; 40 Mana when maxed.
  • Blizzard uses an incredible amount of mp.
  • Unwanted for bossing at 4th job.


While Clerics don't deal as much damage as the other magicians, they do possess the unique ability to heal, which tends to have the opposite effect on the undead, and can affect up to five monsters of this type at a time. Dark creatures are also vulnerable to Holy Arrow.

Although clerics are perfectly capable of soloing, they are widely acknowledged as a party class. This is especially true once they reach the third job advancement, as priests receive excellent supportive skills.


  • Can self-heal, eliminating the need for HP pots (unless sealed)
  • Heal is a great mobbing skill for undead monsters
  • Great support skills, making it easy to find a party
  • Able to jump-attack freely with Heal
  • Can gain small amounts of EXP from healing other players
  • Holy Symbol, a 3rd job skill, gives 150% exp when the priest is in a party. (Still gives 110% when not)

Edit: If a cleric has reasonable SP on MP Eater, and Heal and MP Eater combined used on un-dead monsters (eg. zombie mushroom) the cleric will never run out of HP or MP


  • Weakest damage, and slowest leveling magician past level 90
  • Leveling process pits you against same enemies over and over
  • Limited enemies are affected by heal (the only mob skill until one reaches mid-level Priest)
  • Most common magician class
  • The low HP limits training options for Priests to almost exclusively training with Dark Knights.
  • Genesis, while still very powerful, is the weakest compared to Meteor and Blizzard (assuming that the Arch Mage/Blaze Wizard has Element Amplification).
  • No Mob Skills till third job. (There is mob skill for cleric, which is Heal but it is only applies to undead monsters)

In 4th Job, all Mages get a skill where they can have infinite MP, but of course, to use the skill itself, it uses a big amount of MP, only lasts for 40 seconds, and has a cool-down timer of 10 minutes.




The legend for magicians. The old legend, Freed, fought the Black Mage long ago. His dragon, Afrien, was wanted by the Black Mage, so that he could become stronger. His plan failed, so he decided to freeze Freed in ice. The other legends saved him by diving in front of him. That's why Aran is frozen in ice, and Evan isn't. Afrien died saving Freed. He saved an egg, and hid it so somebody, someone could find it, and become the Hero's successor.


    • Has a party skill that allows to resurrect 1~2 random party members.
    • Has a party skill that gives resistance to magic attacks.
    • A skill like Berserk, but only for MP.
    • Combination of Fire, Ice, Lightning and Dark elemental attacks.
    • Can deal critical damage, unlike other mages.
    • Early mobbing skills.
    • Very powerful throught the whole game.
    • Very easy to level up throught the whole game.
    • Gets a few NX Items for free at levels 17-22.
    • The Dragon has 10 growths at total (10th Growth at level 160).
    • Acquires 31 skills at total.


    • Dragon only attacks in the direction you are facing.
    • No MP Eater, MP Recovery Increase or Improving Max MP skills.
    • Weak Magic Guard, Critical Magic, and Magic Booster which you need to pay NX Cash if you want to Max.
    • Very Common class.
    • Have to do all of the "New Hero" quests for getting enough Skill Points in order to max all his skills.
    • The free NX items that given to him are available for 1 week only.



Thieves are a very unique class in MapleStory. They can jump-attack with throwing stars and attack up close with daggers. Thieves don't have much defense, but they have high avoidability, so enemies tend to miss. They get fast attacks instead of few strong blows.


  • Very fast attacks.
  • Can attack with range or melee.
  • Can jump-attack.
  • Haste is a lot of fun.
  • Highest avoidability and second highest accuracy
  • "Dexless" or "pure luck" thieves are known for their high damage.


  • Low defense.
  • Very common job (kinda killing their uniqueness in a way though Magician still is the most common job.)
  • Rather expensive, even if using a normal AP build.

(Pure luck thieves are dexless, which means that they can't use the normal thief armors : Instead, they use overalls like bath robes or sauna robes.) Because of the noticeable difference between the two, more cons will be placed in their respective jobs.

  • Low HP, however this can be resolved by HP washing.


An Assassin (often abbreviated 'sin) is the ranged thief using throwing stars and claws. They have more stable damage than bowmen but do less damage in general than Bandits because of unstable damage. With Haste, they are very fast.


  • Ranged attacks from throwing stars.
  • A bit more stable than Bowmen.
  • Pretty good single target combat.
  • Can often do critical shot which is very useful.
  • Fastest moving class in the game with Haste + Flash Jump
  • Triple throw with shadow partner shoots 540 stars per minute.
  • Number one needed class for bossing due to highest DPM at a boss.
  • Pure luck sins trash all other jobs in games. (Note: Must be funded)
  • Can jump attack without pressing both attack and jump at the same time
  • With meso up, they can earning more money easy


  • Poor at short range/melee combat (they do not get a KB skill until 4th job).
  • Do not shine at mobbing (no mob attacks in 2nd or 4th job).
  • Lucky Seven is their main attack skill until the 4th job.
  • Sins are VERY, VERY common!(So there is not much "pride" in being one).
  • Low HP becomes a hassle in 3rd job, as with Bowmen.
  • Equips and scrolls are expensive.
  • Good stars are very expensive. Ilbi's cost about 10 million! (Edit: This depends on which world you are in. New worlds cost much more than old worlds.)
  • Only one weapon sold for sins on Victoria Island: It's the Garnier
  • Can't throw stars too close or too far from the monster.
  • Are not good with lots of mobs around

Note: Without a lot of funding, dexless sins will fail, as claws later on require a lot of dex, and so you need to buy a lot of scrolls.


A Bandits (abbreviated 'dit) is the melee dagger thief. Although they have less HP and defense than Warriors, they have high avoidably and generally fast attacking. They get a high-damage skill(due to attacking 6 times) during the 2nd class advancement called Savage Blow.


  • Melee attacker.
  • has more hp then assassins
  • High damage potential with Savage Blow. (Note: Though high damage may be inflicted after the six hits, they may not be enough to knockback the monster, so the character may get hit)
  • Less common than 'sins.(The other thief which is extremely common). (Note: This is no longer true bandits are now common).
  • Very versatile (mobbing, single targets, meso exploding).
  • Acquire Meso Guard in 3rd job, granting them survivability parallel to Warriors and Mages but wastes funds
  • Meso Explosion is one of the biggest damage dealers in the game.
  • Better damage than assassins in 4th job on mobs.


  • No long-ranged attacking skill before 4th job, meaning a lot of damage inflicted.
  • Savage Blow's multiple attacking means it being more affected by monsters' weapon defense, which becomes a problem later in the game.
  • Versatility brings little specialization on one specific thing.
  • Meso Explosion wastes A LOT of mesos. (Note: Mesos Explosion is also very slow.)
  • Lowest dpm in first job



Bowmen can use ranged attacks and hit VERY hard with them. Although useless at close range combat until the 3rd job with Arrow Rain or Arrow Eruption, their high ranged damage capability makes up for it (Edit: If a monster gets close enough, the archer will whack it back a long way, and as bows are fast on speed, they can shoot it then. They are not totally useless). They have unstable damage at first, and jump-attacking with a bowman requires precision timing. Somehow, they are the rarest class to see in the Maple world.


  • Highest accuracy among all classes. (So bowmans can train on monsters many levels above their level, while other jobs are stuck with the lower ones)
  • Has a knockback ability.
  • Has excellent range, even without passive skills.
  • Large arsenal of mob attacks.


  • Unstable damage until the 2nd job advancement.
  • Difficult to use in melee combat during 1st and early 2nd job.
  • Restricted jump-attacking.
  • Low HP and no HP protection skills become a hassle in 3rd job, as with Hermits/Night Lords.
  • No skills on close-range until 3rd or 4th job in bow.
  • Equipment is much more expensive than other classes.
  • No mob attack in first job advancement, so a popular place Kerning Subway is bad for them.

Note: There are such bowmans who do not use arrows, just knocking back monsters a long way and inflicting damage that way. DO NOT try this unless you are extremely bored with the other jobs and have a lot of funding, as the 'whack' only hits one monster (I think).


Hunters are Bowmen who use bows. Hunters attack faster, but they do less damage than Crossbowmen. They can move onward towards becoming a Ranger, and further towards to Bow Master.


  • Faster attacks.
  • Acquires a stunning (Arrow Bomb) mob skill in 2nd job and high-damaging fire-based (Inferno) mob skill in 3rd job.
  • Acquires Hurricane, an attack skill that fires normal damage arrows (100%) at a rate of 500 per minute.
  • Second best Damage Per Minute at 4th job, making them invaluable for bossing.


  • Lesser damage than Crossbowmen due to the 3.4 bow damage multiplier.
  • More common than Crossbowmen.


Crossbowmen are Bowmen who use crossbows. Crossbowmen do higher damage at a slower attack rate. They can move on towards becoming a Sniper, and further towards Marksmanship. Since it is the least common class, we suggest you TAKE PRIDE in your crossbow!


  • Higher damage due to the 3.4 crossbow damage multiplier.
  • Crossbowmen are even less common than Hunters, meaning cheaper crossbows and scrolls.
  • Acquires a high-damaging (Iron Arrow) mob skill in 2nd job and a freezing (Blizzard) mob skill.
  • Acquires a powerful mob attack similar to Iron Arrow (Piercing).
  • At 4th job acquires a skill that kills all but boss monsters in one shot (Snipe)


  • Slower attacks.
  • Iron Arrow can't fire upward or downward like Arrow Bomb.
  • Marksmen have poorer bossing ability than Bowmasters, they are more suited to mobbing.



Pirates are the newest class in MapleStory. They have the semi-unique ability to be range or melee players, shared only with Thieves. They have the option of two types of weapons: guns (ranged) and knuckles (melee). Like warriors, it is highly recommended to pick a weapon type and stick with it. Pirates also have a highly unique skill set.


  • Hybrid class; Brawler is a mix of a Warrior and a Bandit, Gunslinger is a mix of a Bowman and an Assassin.
  • Wide variety of skills.
  • Transformations/Battleship have extremely high damage potential.
  • Gunslingers are pure range, and even Brawlers have pretty long range melee attacks.
  • Dash is always good for mobility, but don't use it on Brawlers since you'll be switching directions a lot with your skills in 2nd job.
  • Time leap is an awesome skill to use in high level PQ's like Zakum, Horn Tail,and Pink bean.
  • Both have rather high damage at higher levels


  • Less Maple weapons due to being the newest job.
  • No knock-back capability.
  • Both have rather little damage at earlier levels


Gunslingers are the ranged Pirate class. They are very accurate, and attack extremely fast. They are a combination of Bowmen (attack style) and Assassins (unique skills).


  • Very high rate of fire.
  • Stable damge.
  • A lot of KB
  • Battleship has highest damage per minute (DPM) in the game.
  • Extremely powerful from 3rd job on
  • Can attack up close unlike some ranged classes.


  • Although the damage is stable, it tends to be really, really low. (Note: As stated above, they own from 3rd job on)
  • Weak throughout first job and 2nd job
  • Poor mobbing ability.
  • Allthough Battleship has highest DPM NightLords still out damage them at bosses because of the poor durability of battle ship.


Brawlers are the melee Pirate class, but don't be fooled with that information alone, for every job enhancement they go through, they get at least 1 very long range melee attack. A few examples of this are Corkscrew Blow, Backspin Blow, Shockwave, and Dragon Strike, all of which hit multiple enemies at the same time. In the 2nd job enhancement, they get 2 stun attacks; Backspin Blow and Double Uppercut, which are further made useful by the 3rd job enhancement's Stun Mastery. A hybrid mix of a Warrior and a Bandit.


  • High attack power of a Warrior.
  • Fast attacks and unique skills of a Bandit.
  • Long ranged melee attacks (skills only, otherwise very short range).
  • Transformations increase accuracy and avoidability as well as attack power by insane amounts.
  • Great at mobbing.
  • Awesome looking attacks, especially in the 3rd and 4th jobs.
  • Time leap is a great party skill for higher levels Buccaneers

[Note: Brawlers are very good at CPQing, and can solo from 700-1k Carnival Points]


  • Some skills and knucklers alone are very short range.
  • A few of the 3rd job skills require that you transform before you can actually use them.
  • Very slow throughout 3rd and 4th jobs
  • You may get bored with them after awhile, depends on your patience.
  • Once you get transformation, you won't be able to use most of the powerful skills till 4th job.

Level Power of Classes (In the Author's Opinion)

-First Job Highest Damage Per Minute-

  • Most DPM: Evan
  • Least DPM: Pre-Bandit

-Second Job Highest Damage Per Minute-

  • Most DPM: Assassin
  • Least DPM: Spearman

-Third Job Highest Damage Per Minute-

  • Most DPM: Aran
  • Least DPM: Priest

-Fourth Job Highest Damage Per Minute-

  • Most DPM: Corsair
  • Least DPM: Bishop


Hopefully, you have realized that there is no best class to Maple Story. All classes have their good points and bad points.

Remember class-balancing and keep in mind that although one class might dominate at a certain level, at later levels your class may be stronger than they are. Do not forget that you should also allow your personality to dominate the decision on which class to choose, rather than choosing a class because many people choose it, or because it is recommended by your friends.

A brief description and general overview for each class would be the following. Magicians aren't mean for bossing they are more of a fast training class, with skills such as Blizzard, Meteor and Genesis. These skills can attack up to 15 of the strongest monsters in the game and can kill them 1 attack or 2 depending on the level, therefore making them the best mobbing / leveling class. Thieves are an attacking class, Night Lords being the best class for bossing and having almost the best DPM in game as well as being most mobile. Shadowers are good for attacking as well and can fight close or mid ranged and have good endurance with meso guard. Warriors are another good class for attacking. Drk's are the warrior class that are needed for bossing due to HB as well as good attacking skills. Paladins are a very unique class, least played in the game but are powerful. They don't boss as much as heroes or drk's but have a lot to offer. Heroes can hit some of the highest numbers in the game and are good for bossing and wanted for rage. Archers with Bow Masters and Marksman are a ranged class with the highest accuracy and good stable damage. They aren't as strong as Night Lords or Corsairs but they are very close to their damage. Bow Masters are needed in parties for Sharp eyes allowing more critical hits and they are a powerful class, as is marksman. Pirates with corsair and marauder are a powerful class with corsair providing highest DPM and Marauders with good damage as well along with a popular party skill that increases everyone's attacking speed.

Class Division

Beginner First Job Level 10 Second Job Level 30 Third Job Level 70 Fourth Job Level 120
" " Swordman Fighter Crusader Hero
Page White Knight Paladin
Spearman Dragon Knight Dark Knight
" " Magician

(Level 8)

Wizard (Fire/Poison) Mage (Fire/Poison) Arch Mage (Fire/Poison)
Wizard (Ice/Lightning) Mage (Ice/Lightning) Arch Mage (Ice/Lightning)
Cleric Priest Bishop
" " Archer Hunter Ranger Bow Master
Crossbow Man Sniper Marksman
" " Rogue Assassin Hermit Night Lord
Bandit Chief Bandit Shadower
" " Pirate Brawler Marauder Buccaneer
Gunslinger Outlaw Corsair

--Ttaffy 00:39, 31 March 2009 (UTC)

--KingStarFire 19:23, 18 April 2010 (UTC)