Beginner to Bishop Guide

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The guide on this page was created for an older and outdated version of Maplestory and is now inaccurate to the current gameplay and no longer deemed useful. Please do not edit or delete this article.


Three points into Three Snails, then put three points into Nimble Feet.

If you're going to have Heal, there isn't any point in getting Recovery! Nimble Feet will be a slight aid to mobility and Three Snails will help from levels 1-10.


The two skills here that go totally obsolete are Energy Bolt and Magic Claw. Of the two, Magic Claw will be more useful to you during this job because it does more mobbing damage and the skill can attack enemies through walls.

One point into Energy Bolt as it is a prerequisite to Magic Claw. Then place twenty points into Magic Claw. Then you put fifteen points into either Magic Guard for survival or Magic Armor to save mesos on HP potions. Either way level both skills up to fifteen, then level up MP Boost to ten. What ever skill points left until you get to level thirty go to Energy Bolt.


First point into Holy Arrow, this will be your attack skill for now. Then you one point in Heal, then put one point into Teleport, then put twenty points into Spell Mastery, then ten points into High Wisdom, then five points into Invincible, then fifteen points into Bless, though you could get Bless sooner if you plan on spending a good amount of your time fighting in a party. Then you want nineteen points into Heal, then ten points into Invincible. You could get Invincible before Heal if your looking for some more defense though clerics probably have the best defense in second job even without it. Then nineteen points into Teleport, and then twenty points into MP Eater, which really doesn't do all that much but it'll save a few mesos on MP Potions. So at level 70, all of your Cleric skills should be maxed except Holy Arrow.


First point into Shining Ray, which will be your attack skill for the time. Then one point in Teleport Mastery, then three points into Dispel, then twenty points into Holy Symbol, then twenty points into Holy Focus, you could get Holy Focus before Holy Symbol for damage but I wouldn't. Ask your fellow Maplers. Holy Symbol is almost certainly the best party buff in the entire game. Then nineteen points into Angel's Ray, then nine points into [[Teleport Mastery],] then twenty points into Spell Booster, then twenty points into Arcane Overdrive, then twenty points into Holy Magic Shell, then ten points into Mystic Door, then seven points into Dispel, and put that last point till level one-hundred twenty into Doom, which earned it self last place through only lasting fifteen seconds, a nasty cooldown, and not even a one-hundred percent chance of working.


Big Bang's only purpose is mobbing, and it isn't very good at it. Assuming you don't have Angel's Ray, your first points should go into Big Bang, Genesis, and Bahamut. Next put a point into Resurrection. At this point level Advanced Blessing as much as you can, then Angel's Ray if you have it. Next priority is Buff Mastery. Here you should seriously consider getting as much Maple Warrior as you can. Arcane Overdrive is probably what you want next, then go for Bahamut, then Infinity. Genesis might be better if you train against huge mobs a lot, but chances are you're at LHC. Assign your skill points into Big Bang only when there is nowhere else for them to go.

Obviously a Bishop's damage will not compare to the damage of other classes. What bishops do is buff. A party will almost always favor a Bishop who has max Advanced Bless over a Bishop who decided to go for their combat skills first. Of course Mastery Books are not easy to come by, by level two-hundred however all that will have mattered is that you didn't put too many points into Big Bang. The rest is just your order of operations.

Written by Coffeetup and TheBatman