The Bandit

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BannedStory image3.jpg

Thief Job Tree

First Job
Second Job
Third Job
Fourth Job
Knights Of Cygnus
Chief Bandit
Night Lord
Night Walker

1st Job

Requirement: Level 10, with 25 DEX

Proceed to the Thieves' Hideaway at a basement of a cafe in Kerning City. In there, you'll find the Dark Lord. Talk to him, and you'll be advance as Thief if you've the requirement stats.

1st Job: Skills

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
Dark Sight.gif Dark Sight Allows you to hide in shadow for a short time. While Dark Sight is activated you cannot attack or be attacked, but you can use the Flash Jump skill. Press the skill key again to deactivate Dark Sight. Supportive 10 x -
Flashjump.gif Flash Jump Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even further. The jumping distance increases as the skill level increases. Active 5 x Explorer Rogue only
Haste.gif Haste Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump for all party members. Increases maximum Movement Speed permanently. Supportive 10 x Explorer Rogue only
Self Haste.PNG Self Haste Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump. Increases maximum Movement Speed permanently. Supportive 20 x Dual Blade Rogue only
Doublestab.gif Double Stab Quickly stabs an enemy twice. Active 20 x -
Nimble Body Skill.gif Nimble Body Permanently increases Accuracy and Avoidability. Passive 20 x -
NewL7.png Lucky Seven Throws 2 throwing stars based on LUK, regardless of Claw Mastery. Active 20 x -

Skill Build: 1st Job

Lvl 10: 1 Double Stab (1)

Lvl 11-16: 3 Nimble Body (18)

Lvl 17-22: 3 Double Stab (19)

Lvl 23: 1 Double Stab (20), 2 Nimble Body (20)

Lvl 24: 3 Disorder

Lvl 25-30: 3 Dark Sight (18)


  • 20 Double Stab
  • 20 Nimble Body
  • 03 Disorder
  • 18 Dark Sight


10-20: Party Quest (Henesys)

20-30: Party Quest (Ariant Coliseum), Party Quest (Kerning City)

30-50: Monster Carnival, Party Quest (Ludibrium)

50-70: Orbis Party Quest, Party Quest (Ludibrium Maze), Davy John's Pirate Party Quest (pirate pq will be very hard to get into so be patient from lvls 50-65)

2nd Job: Bandit

Bandit Skills

IconName and DescriptionMax LevelRequirements
Savageblow.gifSavage Blow: Use MP to attack an enemy up to 6 times in a row with a dagger.
  • Level 1: MP -9; attack 2x with 22% damage.
  • Level 15: MP -18; attack 4x with 50% damage.
  • Level 30: MP -27; attack 6x with 80% damage.
Endure.gifEndure: Additional recovery for both HP and MP even while hanging still on a rope or a ladder. The higher the level, the faster the recovery time, along with recovering additional amounts of both MP and HP.
  • Level 1: Additionally recovering HP 3, MP 1 every 29 sec.
  • Level 10: Additionally recovering HP 30, MP 10 every 20 sec.
  • Level 20: Additionally recovering HP 62, MP 20 every 10 sec.
Daggermastery.gifDagger Mastery: Increases the dagger mastery and accuracy. It only applies when the character has a dagger in hand.
  • Level 1: Dagger mastery +15%, accuracy +1.
  • Level 10: Dagger mastery +35%, accuracy +10.
  • Level 20: Dagger mastery +60%, accuracy +20.
Daggerbooster.gifDagger Booster: Use HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the dagger. Only applies when the character has a dagger in hand.
  • Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; improves dagger speed for 10 sec.
  • Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; improves dagger speed for 100 sec.
  • Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; improves dagger speed for 200 sec.
205 in Mastery
Haste.gifHaste: Temporarily improves the speed and jumping ability of every member of the party.
  • Level 1: For MP -15, +2 in speed and +1 in jump for 10 sec.
  • Level 10: For MP -15, +20 in speed and +10 in jump for 100 sec.
  • Level 20: For MP -30, +40 in speed and +20 in jump for 200 sec.
Steal.gif Steal: Enables the character to steal an item from an enemy with a certain success rate. Only one clean steal per monster, but multiple attempts can take place in the process.
  • Level 1: MP - 12, 11% success rate to steal, apply 42% in damage.
  • Level 15: MP - 12, 25% success rate to steal, apply 70% in damage.
  • Level 30: MP - 24, 40% success rate to steal, apply 100% in damage.
305 in Haste

2nd Job: Bandit

Level 30: 1 Haste

Level 31: 3 Savage Blow

Level 32: 3 Savage Blow

Level 33: 3 Savage Blow

Level 34: 3 Savage Blow

Level 35: 3 Savage Blow

Level 36: 3 Savage Blow

Level 37: 3 Savage Blow

Level 38: 3 Savage Blow

Level 39: 3 Savage Blow

Level 40: 3 Savage Blow (30)

Level 41: 3 Haste

Level 42: 3 Haste

Level 43: 3 Haste (10)

Level 44: 1 Haste 2 Dagger Mastery

Level 45: 3 Dagger Mastery

Level 46: 3 Dagger Mastery

Level 47: 3 Dagger Mastery

Level 48: 3 Dagger Mastery

Level 49: 3 Dagger Mastery

Level 50: 1 Dagger Mastery(20) 2 Haste

Level 51: 3 Haste

Level 52: 3 Haste (20)

Level 53: 2 Endure, 1 Dagger Booster

Level 54: 3 Dagger Booster

Level 55: 3 Dagger Booster

Level 56: 3 Dagger Booster (10)

Level 57: 3 Dagger Booster

Level 58: 3 Dagger Booster

Level 59: 3 Dagger Booster (19)

Level 60: 1 Dagger Booster (20) 1 Dagger Mastery (20), 1 Endure (3)

Level 61: 3 Steal

Level 62: 3 Steal

Level 63: 3 Steal

Level 64: 3 Steal

Level 65: 3 Steal

Level 66: 3 Steal

Level 67: 3 Steal

Level 68: 3 Steal

Level 69: 3 Steal

Level 70: 3 Steal (30)

Total: max everything except for endure [3]

Bandit Equipment

30~34: Get a Blue/Red Sauna Robe or the Stealer set. Reef Claw for the LUK and Cass for the STR. LUK, at level 32 you can switch to Halfmoon Zamadar. If possible, get a Leaf Earring to reduce MP potion usage.

35~39: Get the Knucklevest or Avenger set, but stick with the Brown Bamboo Hat. Both STR and LUK Bandits can stick with their current dagger or change to the Korean Fan. If sticking to the Korean Fan for over 10 levels, i recommend to scroll it.

40~49: Time to say good-bye to your bamboo hat. Now time to replace it with a Plifer. Get the Shadow Set. If your K-Fan isn't scrolled, change your dagger to Bazlud if STR or Dragon Toenail if LUK. If you have a scrolled K-Fan, you can keep it for another 10 levels or 3 if you have a Maple Wagner. I used my K-Fan until i was level 60.:D

50~59: If your K-Fan was properly scrolled with 60% Weapon ATT. Scrolls, you can skip the dagger change for level 50~59. Other than that, get the China/Moon Set. STR get the Sai while LUK get the Shinkita. You can go to Showa for a Bushido at level 55. :D

60~69: Now get the Scorpio set. Then, change into the Serpent's Coil/Deadly Fin. Now get the Identity. If you can or funded, get the level 60 dagger scrolled with 60%. Unfunded should have a Maple Shield by now.

  • 70+ Equips is in the 3rd Job Gears
    • The Spielgamann's Necklace is recommended.

3rd Job: Chief Bandit

  • First, go to El Nath and enter the largest building

on the cliff. Enter and make your way to i think his name was Arec. Oh well, there's Thief Job Instructor under his name so don't miss him.

  • Ask him about 3rd job and he will give you 2 tests:

A strength and a mental test. He will ask you to head to Dark Lord to give you the test.

  • Back to Kerning you go!
  • Once you talked to Dark Lord, he will tell you to

go through the Door of Dimension. It's located in Monkey Swamp II*.

  • Once located, talk to the door and you will go through

to another dimension. Go through the hall and enter the portal. Now don't jump the cliff yet, boy/girl. Buff up and jump.

  • There will stand Dark Lord's clone. Kill him within

20 minutes. Try to strike his back as he will shoot stars at you if in front. Once in a while, he will summon 2 Touromasic.

  • Handle the slaves later. Once Dark Lord dies, collect

the charm and kill the Touromasics. Now climb the rope on the right and talk to the Sparkling Rocks.

  • It will teleport you directly to Kerning city, so you

don't have to worry about potions. You should be glad, for you don't need to fight anymore. Talk to Dark Lord and trade the charm for the Necklace of Strength.

  • Now head back to the instructor in El Nath. Give him

the Necklace and prepare the 2nd test. Now get 1 Dark Crystal(Refined) and go to the Holy Ground at Snowfield (check hidden-street if you don't know where is it).

  • Pass the test. Hidden-street will give you the answers.
  • The rock will give you the Necklace of Wisdom. Now hurry

to Arec and give the shiny medal to him. Now ask to get your 3rd Job and click YES.

  • WOOHOO! You're a Chief Bandit. Now use that 1 SP on

anything you desire or follow my build. Well, let's make the best Chief Bandit you can make!

Skill Build (3rd)


70 1 Band of Thieves

71-80 3 Assaulter (30)

81-90 3 Meso Explosion (30)

91-100 3 Chakra (30)

101-109 3 Band of Thieves (28)

110 2 Band of Thieves (30), 1 Picketpocket

111-116 3 Pickpocket (19)

117 1 Pickpocket (20), 2 Endure (5)

118-120 3 Endure (14)


30 Band of Thieves

30 Meso Explosion

30 Assaulter

20 Pickpocket

20 Meso Guard

11 Endure (14)

PQ Training: 1st/2nd Job

10-20: Party Quest (Henesys)

20-30: Party Quest (Ariant Coliseum), Party Quest (Kerning City)

30-50: Monster Carnival, Party Quest (Ludibrium)

50-70: Orbis Party Quest, Party Quest (Ludibrium Maze), Davy John's Pirate Party Quest,Monster Carnival Season 2(MapleSEA)