The Starter's Guide to Magician (Lv 1-30): Difference between revisions

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Lv30: 3 Magic Guard (maxed)
Lv30: 3 Magic Guard (maxed)
1 Energy Bolt
5 Increasing MP Recovery
10 Increasing MAX MP Increase(MAX)
11 Increasing MP Recovery(MAX)
20 Magic Claw(MAX)
20 Magic Guard(MAX)
This build allows for early Ariant Battle Arena, a recent GMS exp bomb. If you have a friend, you should trade wins there from 20-30 to get the chair that is worth 7 million and large heaps of exp. KPQ is ok from 20-30, but I recommend staying at Ariant Battle Arena. If you are 10-19, go HPQ. It's god for you. Kill the Iron Pigs in bonus, as they drop level 30-35 equipment for all classes. If you are in a group of people, and you smug cakes and sell cakes and equips, you could have well over 300k from level 15-20. Copyright EldrinMage. PM me if you want permission to use this, or cite it to EldrinMage.

==== Notes on Skill Build ====
==== Notes on Skill Build ====

Revision as of 12:39, 20 September 2008


Hello there, Maplers! Let me tell you a little about Maplestory. Maplestory is a 2D multi-player online game. In this addictive game, you will make friends, create or join parties and guilds, do quests, trade and communicate with other players etc.

This guide is purely based on my own experience as a Magician, and you need not follow my guide completely. Who knows, maybe changing a little here and there will create a even better Magician? (:

Why Choose Magician As A Job?

There are 4 jobs available in Maplestory: Warrior, bowman, thief and magician. I assume that you are interested in choosing magician, as that is what this guide is about.

Pros and Cons of being a Magician

Now, you may wonder, like all beginners, why you should become a magician. Well, magicians have the highest amount of MP in the game and the coolest spells. Also, magicians can attack at both close range and long range and your spells are fast. Plus when your level reaches about 18+, your attacking abilities are second to warrior. Don’t worry, warriors can only attack close range and you can kill the monsters before they reach them. The disadvantage is that you have low HP. But if you carry along potions with you, or cast Magic Guard (a 1st job skill), you can avoid dying most of the time.

In summary:


  • Highest amount of MP
  • Quick recovery of MP
  • Relatively high attack (compared to the other classes) from about Lv 15 to 50
  • High Magic Defence
  • Money-makers (have quite a lot of mesos compared to the other classes)
  • Can hit monsters from near and far distances


  • Low HP
  • Low Attack at beginning of the game (Lv 1 to around 13)
  • Low Weapon Defence
  • Low Weapon Attack (don't even think of using weapon attack to attack your enemies x.x)

Getting Started

When you first start to create your character, you will notice that there is a dice and stats below your character’s name. Click to roll the dice until it looks like this:

Str: 4/5

Dex: 4/5

Int: Any number

Luk: Any number

It is best to go for a 4/4 build since magicians do not need strength or dexterity. But it takes a long time and if you feel impatient, just go for a 4/5 or a 5/4 build. I don’t think it makes much difference.

Ability Points (AP)

Now, you notice that you get 5 ability points (AP) whenever you level up.

How do you add those? Well, you just have to make sure that your luck is always 3 more than you level.

Example: When your lvl is 11, your Luk should be 11+3 = 14. It is needed for you to equip amours and weapons. The rest of your AP should go to INT

At Lv8, you should have 11 LUK. From then on, add 1 LUK every level and 4 INT.


Training on Maple Island

As a beginner training on Maple Island, it is hard since you do not have much strength. Don’t worry; you will soon catch up after you made your job advancement.

When you're just about Level 8, or going to reach it, go to Shanks in Southperry. Board the ship, it costs 150 mesos. Do note that you can NEVER go back to Maple Island.

DO NOT stay on the island till Level 9, it'll waste your SP.

Beginner Skills

Now, there are 3 beginner skills for you to choose from:

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
ThreeSnails.gif Three Snails Hurls snail shells to attack monsters from long distance. Active 3 x -
Recovery.gif Recovery Enables the user to recover HP constantly for 30 sec. Supportive 3 x -
NimbleFeet.gif Nimble Feet Enables the character to move around quickly for a short amount of time. Supportive 3 x -
Blessing of the Sprite.png Blessing of the Fairy Skill Point will increase by 1 when the related character reaches above Lv.10. Supportive 20 x -
Empress's Blessing.png Empress's Blessing Grants 1 skill level for every 5 levels your highest level Cygnus character has. Between Blessing of the Fairy and Empress's Blessing, the higher increase is applied. Supportive 30 x -
Link Manager.png Link Manager Allows you to manage your Link Skills, either by sharing with other characters on your account, or by choosing which skills to use on this character. Supportive 1 x Must reach level 10.
Echo of Hero.png Echo of Hero Increase weapon attack and magic attack on all players around. Supportive 1 x Must be a level 200.
Maple Return.png Maple Return Return to Maple Island. Supportive 1 x Must reach 2nd Job.
Will of the Alliance.png Will of the Alliance Strong force is released according to the Willpower of the Alliance. Passive 1 x Complete The Birth of an Alliance.
Three Snails

I would suggest you leave this at Level 1. This is so as if it's at Level 1, you only need to use Green Snail Shells. If you up it to Level 2, you have to use Blue Snail Shells (which are harder to obtain)

At level one, it gives a damage of 10 to the monster (much better than our otherwise-would-be 1/2 damage)


It can be quite helpful on Maple Island, as it recovers HP even if you're moving around.

Nimble Feet

It enables you to move around faster, and can be useful when you want to escape from monsters. However, it costs quite a lot of MP.

Skill Build

Lv 2: 1 Three Snails

Lv 3: 1 Recovery

Lv 4: 1 Nimble Feet

Lv 5: 1 Recovery

Lv 6: 1 Nimble Feet

Lv 7: 1 Recovery

Training Areas

Train on the Green Snails, Blue snails, and the Shrooms. Do not attempt to kill the red snails or the orange mushrooms, unless you are doing quests, as their HP is quite high and does not give good EXP.

The best way to level up is to do all the available quests. They give good EXP, but it is difficult to complete some that requires you to kill high-leveled monsters (Slime, Pig, Red Snails)

Becoming A Magician

Once you reach Victoria Island, go towards Olaf, who's close to the other side of the city, on the bottom. Talk to him and complete his quests. From here, you can either take a taxi (100 mesos, recommended) or walk to Ellinia. If you want to take a taxi, head back towards the ship. You'll see a large wooden booth. Talk to the guy in the booth, and ask to go to another town (Ellinia)

As soon as you reached Ellinia, the Magicians’ City, go right up to the top where you will see a house. Press ‘up’ at the door and you will enter it. Once inside, talk to Grendel the Really Old and he will accept you as a magician.

Congratulations! You are now a Magician!

Introduction to Magic

After you made the job advancement, you will be able to access some skills as a magician. Your skills are divided into 3 main groups—Passive, Supportive and Active. Passive skills cannot be cast but nevertheless, they are skills that will help you a lot in your game. Supportive skills are defensive skills that can be cast. Active skills are attack skills, which can be used to attack monsters.


The skills and their uses are shown below:

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
MP Boost.gif MP Boost Increases Max MP permanently. Also increases MP proportional to your level. Passive 20 x -
Magic Guard.png Magic Guard Damage dealt to you affects your MP instead of your HP. If your MP reaches 0, your HP takes the full amount of damage. Supportive 10 x -
Magic Armor.png Magic Armor Condenses magic around your armor to increase Weapon Defense by a percentage of your Magic Defense. Supportive 10 x Magic Guard Level 3
Energy Bolt.png Energy Bolt Consumes MP to fire a condensed energy bolt that explodes on contact with an enemy. Active 20 x -
Teleport.png Teleport Allows you to teleport a set distance to other locations on the same map using the arrow keys. Supportive 5 x -

Here are the simple explanations of these skills:

Improving MP Recovery

Improving MP Recovery.gif

Master level : 16

Type : Passive

This skill increases the amount of MP you recover every 10 seconds. Important and very useful, must be maxed.

Improving Max MP Increase

Improving Max MP Increase.gif

Master level :10

Type : Passive

Required : Improving MP Recovery lvl 5

You may not understand what this skill does. Well, basically, you get some extra MP each time you lvl. When you have this skill, you will have more MP when you lvl up. This is a very important skill, and you must MAX IT ASAP . If you do not max it, you would have lesser MP compared to the other magicians, and in the long run, a little more MP may turn out to be a big difference. Ignore what the skill book says about this skill. Do not add any AP into MP as it is really a waste.

Magic Guard

Magic Guard.gif

Master level: 20

Type: Supportive

When you uses this skill, some of the HP damage u receives becomes MP damage for some time, depending on your skill lvl. However, when you have no MP left, the damage received will all be HP damage. A useful skill, can be maxed after you have added the other important skills

Magic Armor

Magic Armor.gif

Master level: 20

Type: Supportive

This skill temporarily increases your weapon defense. I don’t recommend using this skill since you already got Magic Guard, which is a better skill.

Energy Bolt

Energy Bolt.gif

Master level: 20

Type: Attack

This is an attacking skill. It uses very little MP to attack an enemy once. You should leave it at level one to unlock Magic Claw, a more useful skill.

Magic Claw

Magic Claw.gif

Master level: 20

Type: Active

' Required ': Energy Bolt level 1

This is your main attacking skill. You have to max it in order to have high attack. It uses more MP than Energy Bolt to attack an enemy twice.

Skill Build

You will receive 1 skill point (SP) after you made the job advancement and 3 SP per level up after that. Now, what skills should you put SP into?

There are many skill builds, some funded, some unfunded.

Recommended skill build:

Lv8: 1 Energy Bolt

Lv9: 3 Improving MP Recovery

Lv10: 2 Improving MP Recovery, 1 Improving Max MP Increase

Lv11: 3 Improving MP Increase

Lv12: 3 Improving MP Increase

Lv13: 3 Improving MP Increase (maxed)

Lv14: 3 Magic Claw

Lv15: 2 Improving MP Recovery,1 Magic Claw

Lv16: 3 Improving MP Recovery

Lv17: 3 Magic Claw

Lv18: 3 Magic Claw

Lv19: 3 Improving MP Recovery

Lv20: 3 Magic Claws

Lv21: 3 Improving MP Recovery (maxed)

Lv22: 3 Magic Claw

Lv23: 3 Magic Claw

Lv24: 1 Magic Claw (maxed) , 2 Magic Guard

Lv25: 3 Magic Guard

Lv26: 3 Magic Guard

Lv27: 3 Magic Guard

Lv28: 3 Magic Guard

Lv29: 3 Magic Guard

Lv30: 3 Magic Guard (maxed)

Notes on Skill Build

You may not want to follow my build exactly. Feel free to edit the skills addition and sequence. Who knows, it might turn out to be even better! However, no matter how you add your skills, the results should be something like this:

Improving MP Recovery—Lvl 16 (maxed)

Improving Max MP Increase—Lvl 10 (maxed)

Magic Guard—Lvl 20 (maxed)

Magic Armor—Lvl 0

Energy Bolt—Lvl 1

Magic Claw—Lvl 20 (maxed)

Total SP Spent—67

Some may choose to add Magic Guard before Magic Claw, as Magic Guard will be very useful if one decide to do Kerning PQ at around level 21-24, saving you much potions.

FAQs on Skill Build

  • Since Magic Claw requires more MP than Energy Bolt, why should I choose it?

Well, at first, Energy Bolt may seem like a better choice, as it causes higher damage. But after your Magic Claw is lvl 7 and above, you will notice that it is really useful and quick. It also applies high damage and when it is maxed, it can attack up to 400+ each time. Amazing, right?

  • Why choose Magic Guard and not Magic Armour?

As we all know, Magicians have pathetic amount of HP and the highest amount of MP in game. Thus, to avoid dying due to our low HP, we should add Magic Guard, which helps to ensure that we do not die so easily as the damage given to us by monsters are taken by MP (which we have a lot of).

Training Places

You may want to know, since magicians have weak melee attack, where should they train? I made a list of training places for you, but it is up to your own preference. You can choose others places to train too.

Level 1-8

Train at Maple Island (snails and shrooms). Remember to do quests, which will basically give you all the EXP you need

Level 8-12

Train at

  • Henesys Hunting Ground Level 1
  • Thicket around the Beach I
  • Dungeon Southern Forest I

You should be able to kill the monsters there in a few shots.

Level 12-18

Train at

  • Thicket Around the Beach III
  • Henesys Hunting Ground Level 1, 2 and 3
  • Field South of Ellina
  • The Tree That Grew
  • Southern Forest I

Level 18-23

Train at

  • Pig Beach
  • Rain-Forest East of Henesys
  • Southern Dungeon II and III.

Level 23-30

You can either choose to do Party Quest (PQ) or continue training.

If you are going to do PQ, go to Kerning City and form a party of 4. Choose a channel with very little people and ask your leader to talk to Lakelis. One word of warning though, you might have to wait very long for your turn. You might want to refer to: Kerning City Party Quest for more information on this.

EldrinMage: You can also go to Ariant Battle Arena with a friend here and trade wins, with the winner being the one with the lower %, and the one who will win gets 31, and the other gets 30, after that you should kill the other scorpions in the arena.(NOTE: THE RECENTLY ADDED DOWN JUMP DOESN'T WORK IN ARIANT BATTLE ARENA) Copyright EldrinMage.

If you wish to continue training, you can train at

  • Construction Site North of Kerning City
  • Kerning City Construction Site, Subway Line 1 Area 1, Southern Forest IV
  • Blue Mushroom Forest
  • Dungeon—Swampy Land in a Deep Forest
  • Land of Wild Boar

I would recommend that you train mostly on green and horny mushrooms.

Second Job Advancement

Once you reached lvl 30, you can take up a second job. The jobs available are: Fire and Poison Wizard, Ice and Lightning Wizard, Cleric. I'm going to tell you a little about each job, then you can choose which one you want to be.

Fire and Poison Wizard

They are strong against magic-based enemies with fire or poison-based attacks. Fire-based spells are the most powerful spells of all. They can perform up to 1.5 times damage to the ice-based enemies. Performing fire-based spells to fire-based enemies is of disadvantage. They will receive either half the normal damage attack or even none at all. Poison-based spells poison enemies. It will slowly take away enemies’ Health Points. But application of poison-based spell need time to take effect on enemies. Poison-based enemies will not be much affected by it.

Ice and Lightning Wizard

They are strong against magic-based enemies with ice or lightning-based attacks. Ice-based spells aren't as powerful as the fire-based spells, but they have an advantage of being able to freeze up an enemy temporarily. Performing ice-based spells to ice-based enemies is of disadvantage. They will receive either half the normal damage attack or even none at all. Lightening-based spells are the weakest of all spells, but they have the advantage of attacking many enemies at once. Performing lightning-based spells requires plenty of MP on each attack. Wizard of ice and lightning will also have the risk of dying as they are required to run into enemies during attacks.


Cleric may not possess the attacking spells like fire and ice, but they have holy spells that are very powerful against the undeads and devil-based monsters. They are also equipped with skills of casting healing magic which make up to its disadvantages.

In summary,

Fire & Poison Wizard = High Damage

Ice & Lightning Wizard = Damage & Defensive, Can attack many enemies at once

Cleric = Defensive, Healing Spells

Process of the 2nd Job Advancement

Now, how do you do your job advancement? Easy! Just follow these steps:

1. Talk to Grendel the Really Old at Ellina again and you will obtain a letter.

2. Go to the Forest North of Ellina and go to the top where you will find the Magician Job Instructor. Pass him the letter and you will be transported to the Magicians’ Tree Dungeon.

3. Kill cursed eyes and horny mushrooms in order to get 30 Dark Marbles. (Note: Not all monsters you kill will drop the marbles)

Don’t worry; the monsters are quite easy to kill. The horny mushrooms are stronger than usual and the curse eyes are weaker. I used about 3 hits (Magic Claw) to kill each of the monsters. However, do remember to bring a few HP/MP Pots.

4. When you have collected 30 Dark Marbles, hand them over to the Magician Job Instructor at the top of the map and you will receive the Proof of a Hero.

5. You will then be teleported back to the Forest North of Ellina. Find Grendel the Really Old once more and give him the Proof. He will then ask you to choose your 2nd Job and choose the job you want.

Congratulations! You are now a Wizard/Cleric!

See Also

Hakfkj2's Cleric Guide

Devilrymage's F/P mage guide

Scorwix's ice/lightning wizard guide


Special thanks goes to: