User talk:Kitten Tale/Talk nav

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Table of Contents

Things I am:

  • An editor - this means I make edits to many pages, sometimes systematically, sometimes random.
  • A student - I cannot devote all of my time to the wiki, but I can devote some time.

Things I claim to be:

  • An infobox curator - I have designed most of the current infoboxes that sit across thousands of pages.
  • A userbox curator - I have tidied up all of the current userboxes to help newer editors use them correctly.
  • Somewhat knowledgeable - I know some extensive functions, but I am still learning myself.

Things I am not:

  • A sysop/admin - I do not have the powers to do anything anybody else cannot do. So I won't be deleting pages, but I will mark them.
  • A teacher - I can give general guidelines, but I cannot teach you how to edit the wiki.
  • A Magic 8 Ball - I do not have every answer, but I can try. Send me a message and I'll see what I can do.
Archived pages are where you can find previous messages, kept in their entirety.

Archive 1
Archive 2
Archive 3
Archive 4