User talk:Fire9zero

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HI could u help me by giving me tips about how to help ppl on MapleWiki and how to do things like ,update pics, and other stuff like that.. If u help me that would be NICE. TY


U could help me by telling me how to put pics and how to make guides (skill distrubution charts...=)XD )

  • Pictures:
    1. Look at the left sidebar. Click on the Upload File link.
    2. Simply follow instructions on the page to upload your file. Bear in mind that you may only upload relevant pictures.
  • Guides? I am unsure of what you mean, but if you wish to, for example, create a guide for Hunter and the skill builds of Hunters, you are most welcome to. Just don't copy wholesale from other guides.
    1. Look at the left sidebar. There is a searchbox.
    2. Think of a title for your guide. You may change it later. For now just type the title of your to-be guide into the searchbox.
    3. You should see an error message saying "There is no page titled "<guide name>". You can create this page". Click on the link "Create this page".
    4. Make your guide!
  • Two Important points to note:
    • ONE: Please use proper English. From your talk page I can see you using short forms (eg. U, TY). Mess your talk page/user page as much as you want, but when it comes to Wiki content, please use proper English, Grammar and Spelling, whether it's your page or another page you are trying to edit.
    • TWO: Use wiki syntax. Anything you wish to achieve but do not know how (eg. bold/italic words, bullet points), read, or ask us. A very good example of NOT using wiki syntax is Marsheh's Bowman Guide. The page is in a mess, but if go to its edit page you will see that it looks nicer.

I guess that's all. Have a nice day, and have fun editing the Wiki! Remember to try anything you've just learnt on the Sandbox, or your own user page if you wish.

Skill Distribution Charts

  • Err... okay? How to teach you how to create skillcharts? The below format is more or less the best way.


Level 10: 1 in Arrow Blow

Level 11: 3 in The Blessing Of Amazon

Level 12: 2 in The Blessing Of Amazon, 1 in Arrow Blow

Level 10: 1 in Arrow Blow

Level 11: 3 in The Blessing Of Amazon

Level 12: 2 in The Blessing Of Amazon, 1 in Arrow Blow

How to give tips?

No one can help you unless you ask for what you want. Tell us what you wish to know, and we'll try our best to answer your queries. You may wish to visit before asking anything. --Bewnt 09:17, 21 February 2007 (CST)

Thx For Telling Me

ty for telling my ill go there right away