Thieves/Thief Skills

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The guide on this page was created for an older and outdated version of Maplestory and is now inaccurate to the current gameplay and no longer deemed useful. Please do not edit or delete this article.
Basic Thief's Guide

Thieves Skills

There many skills in Maplestory you may uncounter during the time, Lucky Seven, Savage blow... Whatever you can think of!

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Element Prerequisites
Dark Sight.gif Dark Sight Allows you to hide in shadow for a short time. While Dark Sight is activated you cannot attack or be attacked, but you can use the Flash Jump skill. Press the skill key again to deactivate Dark Sight. Supportive 10 x -
Flashjump.gif Flash Jump Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even further. The jumping distance increases as the skill level increases. Active 5 x Explorer Rogue only
Haste.gif Haste Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump for all party members. Increases maximum Movement Speed permanently. Supportive 10 x Explorer Rogue only
Self Haste.PNG Self Haste Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump. Increases maximum Movement Speed permanently. Supportive 20 x Dual Blade Rogue only
Doublestab.gif Double Stab Quickly stabs an enemy twice. Active 20 x -
Nimble Body Skill.gif Nimble Body Permanently increases Accuracy and Avoidability. Passive 20 x -
NewL7.png Lucky Seven Throws 2 throwing stars based on LUK, regardless of Claw Mastery. Active 20 x -