R1e2u3b4e5n6's warrior guide/Training places

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R1e2u3b4e5n6's Warrior Guide

Choosing WHERE you train is going to affect how fast will you level up in Maplestory. So the best way is this:

align="left"( For Higher Levels, please check the 2nd job guides.
LVL Monster Place Alternative
1-10 Everything on Maple Island Maple Island Stay at Maple Island unless you got someone to leech
11-17 Slimes/Stumps/Orange Mushrooms Kerning City Construction Sites Henesys Hunting Ground 2(climb up the ladder at the top of ground 1)
18-20 Pigs(NO BOARS)and Dark Stumps The Rain-Forest East of Henesys / Perion Street Corner PIG BEACH
21-26 Kerning City Party Quest(a.k.a PQ) and Wild Boars Kerning City (Be A LEADER) / Land Of The Wild Boars Ligators and Zombie Mushrooms
26-30 Ligators and Dirty ratz Land of despair / Ant tunnel I-III / Eos tower (in Ludiburium) Toy Factory, and the rest of Ludi
