The Swordman is the first job advancement in the field of the Warrior.
Becoming a Swordman
To become a Swordman, you must be at least level 10, and also have 35 or more strength. It is advisable to make the job advancement at level 10, not more, so to not waste any skill points.
In Lith Harbour, start Olaf's quest. Olaf can be found near the middle of the map, on the bottom floor. Tell him that you want to become a warrior. Then go to the tickets booth (to the left of Olaf) and talk to the NPC there. Tell him you want to go somewhere else, and choose Perion. Give him 120 mesos and you'll be off on your way. To make the job advancement, go and see Dances with Balrog. He can be found at the top most house in Perion. Talk to him, and he'll give you more HP, a new skills set, one skill point and you will be now known as a Swordman.
Swordmen are well known because of their strength. But their poor defence on magic attacks make them look vulnerable.
Swordman Skills
This is a description of the Swordman skills:
Improving HP Recovery
With this, you'll recover even more HP every 10 seconds while standing still.
Master Level: 16 --> Recover additional +50 HP
Improving Max HP Increase
When having a Level Up, if AP is used on Max HP, it raises the level of increase for Max HP.
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Improving HP Recovery
Master Level: 10--> After every level up, 40 Max HP will be added; if AP is used, 30 additional HP will be added.
Even when hanging on the rope or ladder, you'll be able to recover some HP after a certain amount of time. The HP you gain is the same as the amount you normally gain standing.
Pre-requisite: Level 3 Improving Max HP Increase
Master Level: 8--> Recover HP every 10 seconds
Iron Body
Temporarily increases your weapon defense.
Pre-requisite: Level 3 Endure
Master Level: 20--> MP -15; Weapon def. +40 for 300 seconds.
Power Strike
Use MP to deliver a killer blow to the monsters with your weapon.
Master Level: 20--> MP -12; Sword damage 260%.
Slash Blast
Use MP and HP to deliver a killer blow to monsters around you with your weapon.
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Power Strike
Master Level: 20--> MP -14; HP -16, damage 130%
Recommended Training Spots
Remember, these are only recommended spots. You do not have to follow these if you don't want to. If you know a better option, please change it.
Levels 10-14: Train on Snails, Blue Snails and Red Snails. You can also start training on Slimes and Stumps.
Levels 15-19: Go to the Slime Tree, and train on Slimes. Stumps outside Perion are another option.
Levels 20-24: Go to Pig Beach and train on Pigs and Ribbon Pigs. You can also try Dark Stumps.
Levels 25-30: Train on Horned Mushrooms and Wild Boars. If you want, you can join a Party Quest group.
Now you are be level 30, and it is time to choose the 2nd job. You can be a Fighter, Page or a Spearman.