This town can be accessed from Singapore: CBD by talking to a NPC in the map. Malaysia has 3 towns : Trend Zone Metropolis, Kampung Village and Fantasy Theme Park.
Trend Zone Metropolis
The first map of Malaysia. Based on Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia.
Kampung Village
This is the second town of the Malaysia map, showing the rural area of Malaysia.
Fantasy Theme Park
Based on the famous tourist attraction, the Genting Highlands. Themepark rides can been seen in this town.
Mini-Dungeon: Longest Ride on ByeBye Station Contains only 2 monsters; Jester Scarlion and Froscola. The mini-dungeon is only available in MapleSEA.
Malaysia is part of Areas
Maple Island Victoria Island Ereb Island Rien Island Time Periods Wedding Towns Masteria New Leaf City | Haunted Mansion Crimsonwood Keep