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My Stats
- Main character: beastieredd
- Level: 65
- Job: Bandit
- World: Kradia (Global MS)
- Guild: Savagenights
- Guild Master: beastieredd (mee)
- Guildies: lots of friends from my bl =D
About Me
I'm a new player on MS, created my first character on mid-April, and I just joined MapleWiki, so I'm still learning how to edit. Have a first-sight love with thieves, mainly for bandits. I'm still building a strong character, trying to get to Chief Bandit before getting a new char. I'm probably making a cleric next, as they are looked on for party quests (love pqs, they rock). Not much of a grinder, like pqing with people better. Have a complete dislike of scammers. BL me if you are Brazillian (like me) or if you like doing pqs, I'm always recruiting (like being leader, except at KPQ , LPQ and OPQ).
Current Hobbies
-Buy fame for 20k (currently got 147, with help of friends and quests)
-Help my guildies with quests (I'm the strongest person in my guild)
-Hang out with my MS bf Leisiun (wizard i/l 82).
-Complete monster book (still far from it, but...)
-LMPQ with my buddies using 2X Drop (fastest way to level at lvl 51-70 in my opinion)
Gratz To
- WesleyBR on Sniper
- ItzShadez on 43
- Chill33 on 65
- Puyul on 51
- CernWen on 55
- ZeroEstelar on 58
- beastiemessi and MarkDaBeast on my blacklist for copycating mine and beastace's names
P.S. changing my gratz 2 every1 on my bl/guild daily!