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Due to the lack of HP there is a way to add 'manuel' avoidabilty in the form of speed or jump. By adding jump you can jump over monsters
Due to the lack of HP there is a way to add 'manual' avoidabilty in the form of speed or jump. By adding jump you can jump over monsters

Revision as of 05:07, 28 May 2009

Guide for Permanent Beginners

Perma Beginners (also known as Perma Noobs, can be shortened farther to Sn or Pn) is short for the term "Permanent Beginners." Permanent Beginners do not make any job advancements. Instead they spend their entire life as a Beginner. This article will explain the Perma Beginner. Before you continue it is recommended for people to fulfill the following requirements:

  • You are funded
  • You want a challenge
  • You are patient
  • You can stand people putting you down

There are two types of Perma Beginners:

  • The Maple Island type, often called an Islander
  • The normal type

However, for Maple Island Perma Beginners it is harder to train because the strongest monster on Maple Island is the Orange Mushroom.

Pros & Cons


  • Never lose experience when you die.
  • Cheaper cab rates means saved money.
  • When you reach levels 30 and up, people will be amazed and interested.
  • Unique, forced equipment style.
  • New, challenging gameplay elements for veterans who have grown tired of the game.
  • No need to waste money on MP Pots, or Armour.
  • If you are a Maple Island perma-beginner (Islander), people will think you are a pro or a hacker if they play for first time, and will think you are like a GM if you have cash items on.
  • Can still look awesome, and a few items can still be worn only by beginners.
  • Able to use nearly every type of weapon effectively


  • Harder to level.
  • Skills obtained are weak.
  • Can't activate some quests.
  • Does not get additional item slots.
  • Weaker than all characters.
  • People will put you down.
  • Can get boring at some times. On the other hand, with a main, a beginner can be very fun, sort of like a vacation
  • Harder to get in party quests

Interested? If you want to be a Perma Beginner, continue reading.

The Perma Beginner Guide

Your first ten levels should be similar to those of a warrior. Add 3 points to strength and two to dexterity. [However, you do have a lot of free room to do whatever. It's perfectly fine to put all your stats into LUK, or even INT, though it is not recommended. INT gives you mp, and you never use mp. LUK will not give you any attack. (See Below for more details.], complete Biggs' quest to get a better weapon. This is where the three "types" of Perma Beginners forms.

There is a Islander, they stay at Maple Island.
There is a Mastery Beginner, where they "master" monsters. And the there is a 3 Shell Beginner, they only use the skill 3 shells.

If you want, you can stay on Maple Island and train on an assortment of snails and mushrooms. Or, if you would rather go to Victoria Island, talk to Shanks around level 10 and leave. Staying on Maple Island makes it very hard to train, but around level 20, you should be able to kill Orange Mushrooms in one hit. If you can stick it out and train on those for the rest of your character's life, you will become one of the strongest characters ever on Maple Island.(Try and beat Lv. 66 on Maple Island! It's possible!)
Note:Part of being a supernoob is having style and being unique and different. If having a ordinary sword looks cooler than a better one, use it!

Training for Perma Beginners

Those who want to train in Victoria Island should loosely follow the training pattern of a warrior.

But remember, Beginner training is very slow. It is all right from lvl 10-30 if you know what you are doing.

Levels 10-15 Snails, Slimes at Slime Tree, Party Quest (Henesys)
Levels 15-20 Pigs Ribbon Pigs at The Pig Beach in
Levels 20-25 Pigs Ribbon Pigs at The Pig Beach, Party Quest (Ariant Coliseum)
Levels 25-30 Octopus and Bubbling at Caution Falling Down, Party Quest (Ariant Coliseum) Kerning PQ
Levels 30-35 Wild Boars, Brown Teddy and Pink Teddy, Sahel 3, Monster Carnival
Levels 35-50 Monster Carnival, Party Quest (Ludibrium), Sahel 3 or Drumming Bunnies(Thanks to TaleOfANoob for this training spot!)
Levels 50-70 Party Quest (Ludibrium Maze)
Leprechaun, Psycho Jacks, Nightmare Levels 55-100 Davy John's Pirate Party Quest
Levels 70-85 Party Quest (Magatia)
Levels 70+ Leprechaun
After Level 85 there is no realistic way of training, and generally people rely on leech. And try not to rely of PQs so much, as you are very weak. Unless you have good damage.

Weapons for Perma Beginners

Weapons can be a problem for permanent beginners. They get harder to find as they continue to level higher and higher. Here is a list of weapons that beginners can use:

One-Handed Swords:

Old Gladius, Green Umbrella, Sword, Maple Flag, Stars and Stripes Pumpkin Basket, Long Sword, Red Whip, Maple Sword, Maple Soul Singer, Maple Umbrella, and Yellow Umbrella.

Two-Handed Swords:

Wooden Baseball Bat and Aluminium Baseball Bat

One-Handed Axes:

Chief Axe, Hand Axe, and Double Axe.

One-Handed Blunt Weapons:

Wooden Club, Blue Flowery Tube, Leather Purse, Hard Briefcase, Red Flowery Tube, Plunger, Lollipop, Purple Tube, Black Tube, Emergency Rescue Tube, and Colorful Tube.


Razor, Fruits Knife, Fan, Liu Bei Dagger, Plastic Bottle, and Korean Fan.


Fish Spear,

Pole Arms:

Sky Snowboard, Aqua Snowboard, Silver Snowboard, Gold Snowboard, Dark Snowboard, Blood Snowboard,Frozen Tuna, Surfboard, Maroon Mop, Blue Valentine Rose, Red Valentine Rose, Yellow Valentine Rose, White Valentine Rose and Maple Snowboard.


Wooden Wand, Hardwood Wand, and Metal Wand. (Using wands for Perma Beginners is not advised)

This is a current list of weapons that beginners can use. (04/25/09)

Reccomended weapons

On the other hand, many of these weapons are not good. These are a few reccomended weapons

Low funds

15-20: Leather Purse at Henesys Weapon Shop

20-25: Hard Briefcase at Henesys Weapon Shop or Fish Spear at Showa Town

25-30: Fusion Mace at Perion Weapon Store or Pig Illustrated


0-16: The Stars and Stripes

10-20: (Lvl 10) Frozen Tuna

13-20: Red Ski

20-40ish: (lvl 20) Frozen Tuna

16-20: Gold Surfboard

20-25: Fish Spear at Showa Town

25-30: Pumpkin Spear or White Valentine Rose

30-40: Pumpkin Lantern

35-43: Maple Sword (Accuracy)

36-40: Gold Snowboard

40-55: Glowing Whip

43-47: Maple Soul Singer (Accuracy)

48-54: Blue Valentine Rose, Guan Yu Pole Arm

55: Green Ski

Super Funded

20-30: Lvl 20 Frozen Tuna

30+: Sake Bottle

36+: Maroon Mop

Equipment for Perma Beginners

Equipment, like weapons, is hard to find for perma beginners. Here is a list of equips for beginners:

Mark of the Beta, Pilgrim Hat, Maplehontas, Blue Skull Cap, Brown Skull Cap, Red Skull Cap, Green Skull Cap, Red Headband, Black Headband, Green Headband, Blue Headband, Yellow Headband, Black Swimming Cap, Blue Swimming Cap, Red Swimming Cap, White Bandana, Black Bandana, Yellow Bandana, Blue Bandana, Red Bandana, Purple Bandana, Pink Bandana, Brown Bandana, Grey Bandana, Green Bandana, Old Wisconsin, Yellow Metal Gear, Blue Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Black Baseball Hat, Yellow Baseball Hat, Brown Baseball Hat, Red Baseball Hat, Blue Baseball Hat, Ribboned Pig Headband, Brown Bamboo Hat, Blue Bamboo Hat, Green Bamboo Hat, Red Starry Bandana, Sky Blue Starry Bandana, Yellow Starry Bandana, Chief Stan Hat, Bone Helm, Zakum Helmet 1, Zakum Helmet 2, Zakum Helmet 3, Red Sporty Cap, Blue Sporty Cap.

White Undershirt (M), Undershirt (M), Grey T-Shirt (M), Blue One-Lined T-Shirt (M), Blue One-Lined T-Shirt (M), Orange Sporty T-Shirt (M),White Tank Top (F), Green Cotton Shirt (F), Yellow Cotton Shirt (F), Red-Striped Top, Pink Sleeveless Shirt, Pink Starry Shirt (F), and Red-Striped T-Shirt (F).

Blue Jean Shorts (M), Brown Cotton Shorts (M), Blue-Striped Boxers, Blue Clamdiggers (M), Grey Thick Sweat Pants (M), Camo Pants (M), Indigo Mini Skirt (F), Red Mini Skirt (F), Pink Cotton Panties, Ice Jeans, Sand Blasted Jeans.

Blue Sauna Robe (M), Bathrobe for Men (M), Bathrobe for Women (F), and Red Sauna Robe (F).

Yellow Rubber Boots, Red Rubber Boots, Blue Rubber Boots, Leather Sandals, White Gomushin, Black Gomushin, Smelly Gomushin, Brown Aroa Shoes, Green Aroa Shoes, Bronze Aroa Shoes, Blue Dorothy Shoes, Red Dorothy Shoes, Brown Dorothy Shoes, Red Whitebottom Shoes, Orange Whitebottom Shoes, Blue Whitebottom Shoes, Pink Whitebottom Shoes, Red Sneakers, Blue Sneakers.

Work Glove, Purple Work Glove, Blue Work Glove, Yellow Work Glove, Brown Work Glove, Grey Work Glove, Red Work Glove

Stolen Fence, Pan Lid, Maple Shield, Palette

Old Raggedy Cape, Icarus Cape (1), Icarus Cape (2), Icarus Cape (3), White Napoleon, Black Napoleon, Green Napoleon, Blue Napoleon, Red Napoleon, Yellow Adventurer Cape, Pink Adventurer Cape, Purple Adventurer Cape, Brown Adventurer Cape, Blue Justice Cape, Red Justice Cape, White Justice Cape, Black Justice Cape, Blue Magic Cape, Red Magic Cape, White Magic Cape, Black Magic Cape, Blue Gaia Cape, White Gaia Cape, Red Gaia Cape, Black Gaia Cape, Green Seraph Cape, Blue Seraph Cape, Red Seraph Cape, White Seraph Cape, Black Seraph Cape, Green Giles Cape, Black Giles Cape, Purple Giles Cape, Red Giles Cape, Blue Giles Cape

This is a current list of equipment that beginners can wear.
Remember, all items in the Cash Shop can be used by all job type (and non-job types!). If you can, spice up the limited wardrobe by buying a new hairstyle or new clothes!

Recomended Stats Builds

Begginers in reality are warriors without any skills. Thus they follow the warrior builds. There are 3 essential kinds of builds. Although you may say Beginners are a novitly and adding MP is cute, remember, Damage still counts

Normal Build

Firstly, there is the normal build. In this build you add 2 dex per level, and the rest goes into strength

This build allows you to make up for the lack of mastery the best and not miss as much, if you cannot afford accuracy equipment/weapons, this may be preferable.

Low Dex Build

In this build you stick to the build of 1 dex per level. This HAS to be agumented by dex and acc equipment.

Generally this build is to be able to deal out more damage, at the cost of accuracy. Not that accuracy matters that much if your going to grind (since you won'd be able to train at places your level) but if your going to PQ, (the best way for a perma noob to get exp up to lvl 100), your going to need a lot more accuracy

To attain this accuracy, you use equipment such as the Pumpkin Spear and Brown Bandana for Carnival Pq and Ariat PQ, and a Zhelm is a necessity, if you can not afford a zhelm, this build will not go far.

No Dex Build

This build is not recomended, even though you will have the most damage, have fun doing your damage against snails and pigs. Also, the low acc makes it very hard to party quest. This build is more of a challenge, but abit a pointless one.

Adding HP

Begginers have very low HP, comparible to a magician. And they don't have magic guard. Therefore it becomes nessisary to have some form of HP boost weather equips or stats. (Currently I'm testing seeing how a lvl 50 zhelm beginner will work, ie I'm adding a lot of HP). The more hp you add, the less damage you do. Therefore it's neccesary to strike a balance. On the other hand, little hp means you die a lot (more of an annoyance since you don't lose EXP)

Each HP added gives you about 10-12 HP (Maybe more)

Alternative Builds

All Dex

All Dex build is more of for those who stay on Maple Island. This all dex build is just dex, untill you can 1 hit Orange mushrooms at lvl 26 with a white rose (the best training at Maple Island)

Then generally people add luck in order to guarantee 100% miss from monsters


Due to the lack of HP there is a way to add 'manual' avoidabilty in the form of speed or jump. By adding jump you can jump over monsters