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To know all the possible combinations, read the [[Total List of Potential]].
To know all the possible combinations, read the [[Total List of Potential]].
[[Category:Maple Story]]

Revision as of 08:16, 29 October 2011

Potential Scroll.gif

What is Potential?

The Potential system was introduced to Korean Maplestory during the Spring of 2010. In Global Maplestory in the summer of 2010, The Potential system was brought to the servers along with the Dual Blade Class. The potential gives the user more power and attributes they could normally get. Along with aquiring some extra stats, they are able to recieve extra skills and abilities that no scroll can give.

How do you get Potential?

Potential can be aquired by two ways: By random or by a scroll. By random, you can get potential by monster drops. Ex, if you kill say, a Yeti and get a Shield, there's a chance it may have potential. You can tell from a potentialed item by the text below it, not to mention a red outline by the stat window. To reveal it's potential, you must use a Magnifying Glass, which is sold in many NPC shops. Your equipment can have a max of 3 lines of potential.

The second way of doing it is by using something called a Potential Scroll. Most monsters, if not all of them, drops a Potential Scroll from time to time. There are two types of these scrolls, the regular which has a 70% chance of working and the Advanced, which has a 90% chance of working. The advanced is found in more hard to reach areas, say Chaos Zakum. The best part of it all is that it uses no slots when used.

The big risk is that if you fail a potential scroll, your item will blow up at a 100% chance.

Miracle Cubes

If you don't like your potential, you can always change it. The Cash Shop gives away Miracle Cubes which can reset your potential. Once the cube is used, your potential is reset and you have to use a magnifying glass to have your new potential. After the cube is used, you're left with a fragment of the cube. It's wise to collect your fragments as you can receive Potential Scrolls out of them. Collect 5 and you get a regular scroll. Collect 10 and you receive an advanced scroll.

If having only 2 lines of potential is not your thing, there is also Premium Miracle Cubes, which not only resets your potential but adds an additional line.

Can Anything Be Potentialed?

Unfortunately, not all equipment can have potential or be equipped with potential already. If an equipment lacks any slots at all, it cannot be potentialed. A Mark of Narcain cannot have potential, for example.


The Potential system is the most debatable among the whole Maple community. While a good amount of players believe that the Potential can give poor and average funded players a good shot at high damage and to be on par with the funded, many players believe that the Potential system is actually doing more bad than good to the game itself. Opposers detest the Potential system for a variety of reasons. The first reason is that it "breaks the game" by giving players an unnecessary amount of power, claiming that lower level players may overpower high level players.

The second reason is that opposers believe that Potential is another money front and that it creates a bigger gap between the NX buyers and the non NX buyers, the sole purpose being that Miracle Cubes, which resets your potential to better or worse, are sold in the Cash Shop. It's also said to damage the economy even further, making funded equipment 4 times as expensive.

Another reason is that Potential had distorted and degraded the community even lower, as more people became more possessed with damage to the point where they will ridicule anyone with a lower potential or if the equipment does not have 3 lines.

In Korean Maplestory, it's another story. Miracle Cubes can actually be sold for mesos, due to having a trade ability for NX-mesos transactions.

Decent Skills

The rise of the Potential System also brought in a very special treat: Decent Skills. Decent skills are 4 skills from the Archer, Warrior, Thief and Magician classes. The skills consist of one of their 3rd or 4th job skills with an altered effect. They are the following.

Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Prerequisites
Hyperbody Icon.gif Decent Hyper Body The Warrior or Spearman's skill to raise MaxHP and MaxMP. It can be acquired by level 70+ bottomwear. Active 1 -
Mystic Door.gif Decent Mystic Door The Magician or Priest's skill to summon a door to a nearest town, this time, only you can use it. It can be acquired by level 70+ helmets. Active 1 -
Sharp Eyes.gif Decent Sharp Eyes The Bowman's skill to increase Critical rate and Minimum Critical Damage. It can be acquired by level 120+ gloves. Active 1 -
Haste.gif Decent Haste The Thieve's skill to increase your speed and jump. It can by acquired by level 70+ shoes. Active 1 -

What can you get from Potential?

To know all the possible combinations, read the Total List of Potential.