The Ultimate Guide to Noobology
What this guide does
Basically, I'm explaining what all the nibs do on Europe MapleStory.
Respect is a vital thing you need to play this game. Without it, you WILL be hated by everyone.
To earn respect:
- Learn some grammar. Don't do this, "i pwn u wiv ma uber cl equipz and skills" That will just get you laughed at.
- Don't Beg. If you do beg,
- A bad approach: "plz mesos plz"
- A better approach: "Hey, can I have some mesos please?"
- Be Nice... If you act nasty, no one will want to make friends with you.(give respect to earn respect)
- Be yourself, talk about stuff, and find people who are Just like You!
What makes a noob?
There are two different kinds. There's the typical noob: These are new guys who have no idea on how to play, yet they act as if they do. They'll beg, KS, scam, hack. And basically try to make everyone's life a living nightmare. Secondly, you'll notice the occasional newbie. Newbs are the poor guys, new to the game, just wanting a little help.
< This is a noob, who has stripped off his clothes and is acting like he is in desperate need of money. Dont be fooled.
Quote Ew. I've seen my fair share of beggars. As you progress to the higher levels, they become more common. Beginning with the trades. It is so god damn annoying when you're having a nice walk/teleport through Henesys and you get a trade from xx65thief6xx or someone like that. And all they do it for is to say: "mesos plzzz" If you know what's good for you, cancel and RUN. :P Or else, lead them to a trap and let them die. :(
These guys are extremely annoying. You get a fair share of them when training in Viking parties they don't contribute to the party. There's that one bottomer who suddenly decides to AFK for large periods of time, leeching the experience. KICK IMMEDIATELY PLZ.
Leeching is where someone will sit and watch their party members train, not making any effort to help, and if they aren't sitting there, they're running around stealing the meso drops.
KSing, or 'Kill stealing' is an act in which a person starts killing a monster what you're killing. The experience is split, making training tedious.
The Good old FM sign
If you've ever walked to the free market from Henesys, you'll see a sign next to a dead tree. People often teleport up top and drop things and walk off. Soon enough it'll attract a poor Level 7 noob trying to get to it. He/She'll keep jumping and hoping to get up there, it's one of the stupidest things to do ever. I can't understand why they do it. They start making crying faces and saying 'help me plz'. Then when they get tired of jumping, they use the beginner spell, Nimble Feet, and attempt to do a running jump to the item. Some higher level noobs, preferably level 15-20, will actually BUY haste from higher level assassins or bandits, hoping to jump even higher. Eventually other people come and do the same thing. It's hilarious, you should stop by there a couple of times. It's really entertaining, especially if you're a mage with the teleport spell. When you can see they've had enough, teleport up top and take your goodies. Look at their faces. Priceless.
Common noobish stunts
Kill steal accusors
Say you wanted to go to the Henesys hunting ground with your friends, and you were a really high level. You go to the top area and start killing some green mushrooms with your buddies. There'll be a couple of people who come minutes after and start fighting. Sometimes, if they can't get any kills in, they start moaning. And they say things like: 'omg stop ksing!' But I don't understand why they can't just change channel, they'll refuse to do it.
If you go to the Orbis ship, sometimes you'll end up having to take the ride with a low level guy/gal. Have you ever felt the urge to drop some items, and then pick them up when people see them? I have. Once when I was on my way to Orbis, this guy started asking for mesos. I told him no and he got annoyed. So I walked to the other side of the cabin and began dropping money and rare items. Before he could get to them, I picked them all up. Yeah, I know this is pretty annoying when you can't get your hands on something, but the little sucker defamed me.
When you go around, maybe yelling out,"Selling rare weapons!" in Kerning City or something, a nub notices you and starts trading you and begging you for some items or mesos. Then, if they didn't what get they want, they would F4 and start stalking you. Report him.
When you wanted to give your good friend something like a Korean Fan and decided you were too lazy to trade,and you dropped it on the ground. Some stupid level 24 noob comes by and takes it and acts like nothing happened. First, you can defame him/her. Then you can get your guildies and start group defaming. When he tries to defame you, report him or run off to Monster Carnival. When he tracks you down and figures you are in someplace that he couldn't reach, he'll be so annoyed. It's hilarious.
Noobish item buying/selling
When you go to the free market, you expect to buy or sell something, right? You'll sometimes come across a person who wants to sell something for an idiotic price. This guy wanted to sell me some Charms of the Undead for 500 mesos each. So watch what you buy and sell, and find out some values on the internet firsthand. Don't get scammed.
These ones fill the place with pointless messages covered in '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' Most of the time these are used to buy and sell things, which I can understand, but sometimes they're used for something else, and that something is, ironically, nothing.
Rapid Trade/Messenger/Party requesting
When you fall out with a really immature person they start requesting you to do stuff really fast, when you cancel it, the message comes again, and when you accept, they cancel it. It's really hard to avoid, and you sometimes have to put up with it until they get tired.
The "Game"
Some noobs in the game will ask you if you want to play a game. If this game is something like, "0K U DROP 4 ITMS FRST AND IWILL DROP 4 OF MNE" Don't trust this. The only possible outcome to accepting and playing this "Game" is complete failure. The noob will steal all of your items, teleport a few times, and log out or use a scroll before you get to Report him. The first time someone asks you if you want to play a game where you have to drop items, Defame and Warn him and switch channels before he gets to do the same to you.
There's been a recent outburst of hackers on EMS. They are so freaking annoying. Remember, if you see any, report them.
The most common hack. There's either this beginner or Level 60 stood in a corner or this tiny platform, and they're stood there actually sucking all enemies on the map towards them. It's normally a spearman smacking them all with slash blast. I was nearly killed by a Page in Ludibrium because he was sucking Platoon Chronos and they were hitting them.
This hack is used with Vaccing. It allows the hacker to avoid getting hurt and knocked back. They can just stand there and never die. I think that about covers it.