Talk:Wind Archer Guide

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Please put tips and advice here

RangedMint: I'd like to make a recommendation here. You should select a skill, and focus your energy on maxing it. Instead of going rain, then strafe, then albatross; choose one. That way, you'll have good damage on a single skill instead of shaky damage on various ones. Strafe would be good if you're planning on training on wind raiders. Rain wouldn't be effective until later levels when you have the hp to typhons. I'm not sure about the newer skills but I know that Level 11 hurricane is better than maxed strafe and that maxed hurricane is better than maxed puppet.

RangedMint: I recommend putting one in double shot at level 11 (instead of the first point at level 13) so you have an offensive attack.

RangedMint's Build

Level 30: +1 Storm Breath

Level 31: +1 Wind Walk, +2 Bow Mastery

Level 32: +3 Bow Mastery

Level 33: +3 Bow Booster

Level 34: +2 Bow Booster, +1 Soul Arrow

Level 35: +1 Bow Booster, +1 Soul Arrow, +1 Wind Walk

Level 36-37: +3 Wind Walk

Level 38: +2 Wind Walk

Level 39-46: +3 Storm Breath

Level 46: +2 Storm Breath, +1 Bow Mastery

Level 47-50: +3 Bow Mastery

Level 51: +2 Bow Mastery, +1 Soul Arrow

Level 52: +3 Bow Booster

Level 53: +3 Soul Arrow

Level 54-56: +3 Bow Booster

Level 57-62: +3 Thrust

Level 63: +2 Thrust, +1 Bow Booster

Level 64: +1 Bow Booster, +2 Soul Arrow

Level 65-68: +3 Soul Arrow

Level 69: +1 Bow Mastery, +2 Sprite

Level 70: +3 Sprite

Total: Max all except Final Attack

Info: What this build takes into mind, is that wind walk provides a +30% increase in both minimum and maximum damage while mastery only raises minimum damage. Although you'll be burning through your mp potions, you'll be dealing higher damage at a much earlier level. To use this build most effectively, create a macro that has windwalk then double shot. I left out Final Attack because of a couple reasons. One, final attack can kick in when you don't want to (i.e. while you're killing rombots and you need to time jump shots). Two, final attack only works with 2nd job skills so there's no point in putting it in.

Heartilyu: @rangedmint Strafe will be useless as a skill as windarcher. For windraiders, all you need is Storm breath which wipes them out amazingly fast. You will probably be training at windraiders lower ascent map with storm breath until 75 or 80, so the skill you put in doesnt matter much. Arrow rain requires you to be in the center of the mob, getting you hit more often. storm breath will push and, if combod with wind walk, does godly damage without getting hurt. I put albatross (Called Eagle Eye on GMS as said on my skill book) first for cooldown then wind shot(1v1 atk).