Ph Warriors

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The guide on this page was created for an older and outdated version of Maplestory and is now inaccurate to the current gameplay and no longer deemed useful. Please do not edit or delete this article.

HP Warriors are a very special and uncommon kind of warrior. They prefer to add all their AP points into HP, and have a very difficult life up to level 35, when they get power guard. This skill returns a percentage of the physical damage taken from a monster as damage. This makes the HP warrior a deadly machine, that can kill Jr. Balrog at level 32.

This is the AP build for an HP Warrior:

Start: STR: 10-13

      DEX: Any
      LUK: Any
      INT: Any

Firstly, get your STR to 35 and leave it there. Then save all of your AP points until you become a warrior and max HP Increase straight away. Then, put all of your points into HP. You will have about 3k HP at level 15 when you max HP Increase.