Elemental Reset/Decrease

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Icon Name Prerequisite Max Level Skill Type Job Element
Elemental Reset.PNGSkill Elemental Reset.png Elemental Reset/Elemental Decrease - 20 Supportive Mage, Evan (V),
Blaze Wizard (II)
Temporarily decreases the magic attributes of all attacks that you use.
Notes It is called Elemental Reset for Blaze/Flame Wizard and Evan, and Elemental Decrease for Mage.
Skill Level MP Consumed Effects Duration

1 -14 Decrease elemental attribute by -10% 120 sec
2 -18 Decrease elemental attribute by -20% 140 sec
3 -22 Decrease elemental attribute by -30% 160 sec
4 -26 Decrease elemental attribute by -40% 180 sec
5 -30 Decrease elemental attribute by -50% 200 sec
6 -34 Decrease elemental attribute by -60% 220 sec
7 -38 Decrease elemental attribute by -70% 240 sec
8 -42 Decrease elemental attribute by -80% 260 sec
9 -46 Decrease elemental attribute by -90% 280 sec
10 -50 Decrease elemental attribute by -100% 300 sec