Dr. De Lang's Notes

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  • Available to All
  • Over Level 75
  • Prerequisite:All of Phyllia's Pendant quests, Zenumist and Alcadno quests completed

Dr. De Lang's Underground Study


  1. Talk to Phyllia and go to the missing alchemist's house (Dr. De Lang's House).
  2. This next puzzle involves playing with those wheel handles. Turn the pipes in the following method: The top wheel, the bottom wheel, and the middle wheel.
  3. Now you will need to enter the password, which is: my love Phyllia
  4. Go and look at the book to end the quest.


  • 6000 Experience Points.
  • Opens next part of quest.

The Key to the Secret Book


  1. Talk to Phyllia to get the Silver Pendant back.
  2. Go back to the house and do top, bottom, and middle wheel's again. Put password in again.
  3. Go to the book and look at it.


  • 100 Experience Points.
  • Opens next part of quest.

Dr. De Lang's Secret Notes


  1. Look at the book to get Dran's Note. You can click on the book and read it. Very interesting.
  2. Take Dran's Note to Eurek the Alchemist. Eurek can be found in the following places:

Talk to Eurek the Alchemist at any of the above locations to finish the quest.


  • 5000 Experience Points.
  • Opens next part of quest.

The Truth about Dr. De Lang


  1. Talk to Eurek the Alchemist.
  2. You will now have to talk to Alcaster in El Nath.
  3. Talk to Alcaster to finish the quest.


  • 100 Experience Points.
  • Opens next part of quest.

The Hidden Words


  1. Talk to Alcaster in El Nath. He will ask you to get Homunculus Blood.
  2. Go back to Magatia to fight Homunscullo's until they drop a Homunculus Blood.
  3. Return back to El Nath and talk to Alcaster to unlock the pages in the rest of the note.


  • 100 Experience Points.
  • Opens up more of the note to read.
  • Opens up next part of the quest.

The Secret Behind Magatia


  1. Talk to Alcaster in El Nath
  2. Read Dran's Note completely.
  3. Talk to Alcaster again.


  • 50000 Experience Points.
  • Opens next part of the quest.

The Black Magician's Magic Pentagram


  1. Talk to Alcaster in El Nath. He gives you a quest and a Magic Stone of Humility.
  2. Go back to Magatia and hunt the other two stones down. One is dropped by Homunscullo, and the other by D. Roy.
  3. After collecting the Magic Stone of Honesty from Homunscullo, and the Magic Stone of Trust from D. Roy, enter the secret area between the two labs. You must have done Parwen the Ghost quest to get the password to be able to enter this secret area. The secret lab entrance is located on the Alcadno side at Lab - Area B-1 and on the Zenumist side on the Lab - 1st Floor Hallway.
  4. In the secret lab area, enter the sewer grate to be taken to an area with a jump puzzle. The jump puzzle has fake platforms, but is fairly simple. Just remember which ones are fake if you fall. If you fall off the plaform, it takes you back to the beginning of this map. Finishing the jump puzzle, go thru the grate to 4 grates next to each other.
  5. Go into the grate all the way to the right. It will take you further down in the lab.
  6. Walk thru the wall to the left of the grate.
  7. Fall or climb down the long hole.
  8. When you reach the bottom, go to the right and push up on the doorway. You are now in the Black Magician's Lab.
  9. With the three stones, click the pentagram in the middle of the room in this order: Top , Left, Right, and Center. This will activate the pentagram.
  10. Go back to El Nath and talk to Alcaster to get your reward.


  • 2200 Experience Points.
  • Opens next part of the quest.

The Brutal Truth


  1. Talk to Alcaster in El Nath.
  2. Talk to Alcaster again to finish the quest and receive Dran's Note.


NOTE: You can only pick one of the three quests above to give Dran's Notes too. Choose wisely.