Angelsraid's magician guide

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Angelsraid's mage guide

steps to a good magician. Builds to consider

Lukless : capped LUK at 4 and put rest to INT

INT + LUK : each time you level up add 4 INT and 1 LUK

Maker LUKless: apped LUK at a certain level higher than probably 40

Things to consider for each and every build stated :

Are you funded , or are you capbable for earning LOTS of Meso in to short time ? IF YES , LUKLESS Build suits you as post big bang , you may need to buy Luk scrolls to get the same magic accuracy as INT+LUK.BUT have alot of damage

Do you die very frequantly ? IF yes , Maker LUKLESS and LUK suits you as higher LUK reduces EXP loss per death.

Firstly ,Train at maple island form level 1 to 10

(due to a patch , if you make job advacnement at lvl 9 or lvl 10 , you will get the remanining SP)

After that , go make your job advancement at magic libarary of Elina Town by talking to grendal.

After that , do your job advancement training quest and do all Power B.FORE Quest for faster leveling.

Probably you may want to kill marbos for EXP and Free hat.

At lvl 1x Train at beach pigs in natilus.

At Lvl 18 to 25 , train at Stone Golems (LOL golem is serverly nerfed in maplestory)

At Lvl 30 and above , train at Mushroom Kingdom , AND FINISH ALL THE QUEST AVAILABLE THERE.(i,l f,p clerics)

For Clerics

Train at skeledogs at perion excavation area at lvl 35

Train at Choronus at level 5x

Train at Singapore, MP3 and Ghost ship 1 , 2 at lvl 6x to lvl 11x

Train at phantom watches of LudiBrium at lvl 11x and above.

After 4th job advance , go to leafre dungeons to train on high lvled mobs of lvl 12x. (people say 4th job advance is too difficult , too me not really )

Once achieved Lvl 150 Try skelegon or Temple of time.

Alternatives :

monster parks and pqs

Lvl 7x and above , do Romeo and juliet pq till maybe lvl 12x or 13x

Lvl 130 to 18x ,try the dragon rider pq , which also gives free equips (is kinda useless for LUKless as nearly all free equipments require LUK) and potions too.

For Fire Poison (poison mist first)

After getting 2nd job advance , go to mushroom kingdom as stated

AT lvl 3x to 5x , go to obris tower 1st floor and elnath mountains try out those Fire weak monsters.

At lvl 6x and above , grind Mp3 .

THEN THE FUN PART FOR F/P mages that have poison mist maxed first.

you can try Skelegons at lvl 89 to lvl 160, just that , be prepared to use more than 3 million meso per hour as skelegon training

as a few youtubers demostrated their training in skelegon , even in pre big bang ,they still use 1 power elixer evey 16 seconds.

For Fire poison (explosion first)

After third job advance , try romeo and juliet pq and train at elnath mountains pit over with ice based monster. ( you may try monster park , but , ususally fire poison are unwanted for pqs and monster parks.