4 Candles

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  • This is a 4th Global Maple Anniversary Events quest.
  • Pre-requisite: You must of played in the last 90 days on Maple Story


  1. When you log on, you will get a lightbulb above your head. Click on it to receive a lit candle in your SETUP items.
  2. In order to get a piece of birthday cake, you must stay logged into the game for 40 minutes. To make a complete cake, you must get all 4 pieces(This is the equivalent of staying at least 3-4 hours in game to ge all 4 pieces of cake).
  3. Once you get 4 pieces, talk to Gaga to get a cake box. Cake Boxes costs one leaf each.
  4. Now to do the next part, open the cake box, drag and drop the pieces of the cake into the box that shows up on the screen.Cake Dragging 2.PNGCake Dragging.PNG
  5. When it is complete, talk to Gaga again to receive a possible Real Life reward, or a random in game prize. If you receive a real life award, proceed to talk to Cassandra to confirm it.


In Game Prizes

Real Life Prizes