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Intelligence is one of the major stats found within Maplestory, with the others being Strength, Dexterity, Luck, Health, and Mana. This skill should only be raised for one job, the Magician. This stat is commonly abbreviated to the term "INT" within MapleStory.


Intelligence determines the amount of Magic Attack and Defense a character has. It also determines the amount of MP you gain per level. Since only one class (the Magician) uses INT, it is all but useless for the other three classes. For each point of intellegence a character has, the Magic Attack and Defense of the character increases by 1. Therefore, each character must have at least 4 magic attack and defense, for 4 is the minimum amount of a stat you begin with.

Magicians have intelligence as as their primary stat, so it is a must-have stat for all serious magicians. If following the correct stat build (having LUK as your level +3), your intellegence would be your level * 4 + 9.