Long Assassin Guide

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One of the two choices for the Thief's Second Job Advancement. Assassins specialize in 'claws' which are used to throw 'stars'. They begin weak, reach normal power after the advancement, then become strong for a while, until overcome by non-Mages. They remain fairly good even after that point. Sins are execellent in this advancement.

Making the Advancement

Once you have successfully struggled through to level 30, you can make the advancement to Assassin. Talk to Dark Road in Kerning City, then go to the Construction Site North of Kerning City. Talk to the Thief Job Instructor. You will enter a city style map filled with Cold Eye and Blue Mushroom. Their stats are changed around. Collect 30 Marbles, talk to the instructor, then Dark Road. Pick Assassin, and there you are.

Assassin to Bandit Comparison



  • Stars and claws
  • Long range


  • No new attacks
  • Very expensive




  • Just expensive
  • Short range

Stat Build

Claws require double your level in Dexterity through Avarice. At level 10, you need 25 DEX. After the Avarice, it is 10 DEX per 10 levels.

  • Level 10: 25 Dexterity
  • Level 15: 30 Dexterity
  • Level 20: 40 Dexterity
  • Level 25: 50 Dexterity
  • Level 30: 60 Dexterity
  • Level 35: 70 Dexterity
  • Level 40: 80 Dexterity
  • Level 50: 90 Dexterity
  • Level 60: 100 Dexterity
  • Level 70: 110 Dexterity