Experience Points

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Experience points are what can be called a character's overall experience, and are acquired by defeating monsters. Each monster has a specific experience value, and points are split depending on who helped defeat it.

Every level requires a certain number of experience in order to reach the next level. With that being said, a character levels up once they have earned the required amount of experience points. (The amount of experience needed to reach the next level can be found by hovering your cursor over the EXP meter, or on the character ability window. In addition, the percentage of EXP acquired to reach the next level is displayed above the EXP meter.)

In addition to gaining Experience points, a character loses 10% of the experience needed to reach the next level if they die. If a character has less than 10% of the EXP needed to reach it, their experience simply returns to zero, and the character stays at the same level. (Therefore meaning there is no level down.) Having a high enough Luck stat will cause the EXP loss to be less.