Find The Maple History Book

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  • Level 25 and above


  1. To begin the quest, talk to Jay in Henesys.
  2. Go to Ellinia, buy a ticket to Orbis, and board the airship.
  • The ship runs on a schedule, and has a limit of how manny passengers it can carry.
  • If the ship has already left, you will have to wait for the next ride.
  • If the ship has reached it's limit of passengers, you can always try another channel.
  • Once the ride has started, enter the cabin. (The door is under the main mast)
  • There will sometimes be a wooden crate somewhere in the cabin. It spawns randomly, however, and may not appear during the ride. If this is the case, you will have to pay another 6000 meso to get back to Ellinia, and try again. It may take several trys before the crate finally spawns.
  • Smash the crate into itty-bitty pieces to get Maple History Book I. Note, however, that the crate does come up empty on occasion.
  • Get yourself back to Ellinia and climb your way up to the highest reaches of the town, to where Grendel the Old lives.
    • Somewhere in this place, you should find some kind of box or chest, which contains Maple History Book II.
  • Now go on down to Ludibrium.
    • You can get there by purchasing a ticket and boarding the train at Orbis station.
    • There is also an elevator located in the library of the Korean Folk Town, which will take you there free.
  • Enter the toy factory in the centre of town, and head down three floors and take a left.
  • Leave the factory, and keep going left (towards Eos tower). Somewhere along the way, you will run into Tigun The Advisor.
    • Talk to him, and he'll give you a medal.
  • Go all the way back to Jay in henesys for your prize.
