Lith Harbor

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Lith Harbor is a port city, best known as the destination of beginners leaving Maple Island.

In Lith Harbor, Pason can send players to Florina Beach from here at the cost of 1,000 mesos (or free with the VIP Ticket to Florina Beach). Lith Harbor also features Phil, the ticketing man, who can transport players to Henesys, Ellinia, Kerning City or Perion for a fee, much like a Regular Cab. Additionally, Lith Harbor contains a VIP cab that travels to the 24-hour mobile store in the Dungeon below Sleepywood.

The monsters between Lith Harbor and the Three Way Split are extremely weak, providing a decent location for beginners to train.

Lith Harbour's Location

  Lith Harbor is in the southeast corner of Victoria Island; it is south of Kerning City and west of Henesys.

Related Links:
Towns on Victoria Island.