DUfire's guide to the Meso Saving Cleric

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Introducing: The Meso Saving Cleric!

Most of us have heard the rumors about Clerics and Priests, and if you haven't, you do now. Clerics and Priests are well known for their ability to use VERY few potions because of Heal [HP Recovery] and MP Eater [MP Recovery]. The only pots you need are MP, and the number is greatly reduced when MP Eater is maxed. HP Pots should never be needed after level 35. Although the builds contained here will be mainly focusing on saving yourself from spending unnecessary mesos on potions, they also emphasize on training solo, while still being able to be in a party at the same time if you ever choose.

Information and Version History

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images contained within this guide, nor do I own any of the characters associated with them. Everything displayed in this guide is sole property of Nexon America Incorporated.

Version 1.0.10 - Introduction Completed, Information Added. Expect Beginner Information next version. Version 1.2.30 - Beginner information and skills added. Expect First - Second job next version.

Why Cleric?


  • Skill: Heal - Literally eliminates the use of HP pots.
  • Skill: MP Eater - Eliminates 75% of MP Pot buying/usage.
  • Retains mesos earned due to the above.
  • Higher damage rate between 1st and 2nd job.
  • Great partying skills such as Heal, Bless, Holy Symbol, Mystic Door, and Dispel.
  • Highest durability with MP Eater. Matched only by an average warrior.

Why not?

  • Lowest damage after 2nd job.
  • Worst 'Hell Leveling' of any job between 30 - 40.

Making a Cleric

I'm going to start by assuming you have registered on the Maplestory website and have logged into your account. The starting stats of a character are crucial getting out as much damage as your Cleric is worth. Any server choice is fine, you can check BasilMarket.com for prices on certain Magician equipment. Feel free to contact me in Khaini on MageOwnX if you need help [or just need a friend].


Here is where every Mapler gets frustrated - trying to get the perfect dice roll. The key is to GO SLOW and try not to skip any good rolls. You want Str to be 4 or 5, and Dex to be 4 or 5. As long as those two are 4 or 5, Int and Luk don't matter. If you decide to keep your Str at 5, don't let your Dex be 5 also, make sure it's a 4.

Example 1
Str - 4
Dex - 4
Int - Anything
Luk - Anything

Example 2
Str - 4 or 5
Dex - 4
Int - Anything
Luk - Anything

Example 3
Str - 4
Dex - 4 or 5
Int - Anything
Luk - Anything

Example one is what everyone should shoot for, but sometimes it can take over half an hour ot get the desired result. I myself have never rolled a 4/4 combination, but with a few bucks laying around, a 4/5 or 5/5 is easily fixable.

Maple Island: Beginner

Even though future Magicians only need to make it to level 8 here, it still proves somewhat difficult to get there. Even though you are at a low level, you shouldn't slack off when distributing Ability Points [AP].

Where to Train

Fairly simply, just train on green snails in the first few maps, or, go to the shroom hidden map before Amherst and train there. At level 7 and 75%, continue on to Lith Harbor and speak to the NPC who gives you the "A Lesson on Job Advancement" quest [He is in the far right of Lith Harbor]. Fulfilling this quest will boost you up to level 8.

Ability Points

The AP build for Magicians is one of the simplest in the game. The key idea is that your Luk is always your level + 3 [E.g. Level 10 - 13 Luk]. This doesn't apply to Lukless Magicians. The following build is based on a 4 Str/5 Dex/8 Luk/7 Int.

  • Level 2 - Add 5 Int
  • Level 3 - Add 5 Int
  • Level 4 - Add 5 Int
  • Level 5 - Add 5 Int
  • Level 6 - Add 4 Int, Add 1 Luk
  • Level 7 - Add 4 Int, Add 1 Luk
  • Level 8 - Add 4 Int, Add 1 Luk
  • Level 9 - Add 4 Int, Add 1 Luk
  • Level 10 - Add 4 Int, Add 1 Luk

The build keeps going on like this until your Luk is capped, when your character level is somewhere around the 100's.

Beginner Skills

These are the beginner skills. You allot Skill Points [SP] to skill to gain mastery of those skills. These skills in particular don't matter, you shouldn't have to use them ever again after level 8.

File:Nimblefeet.gif Nimble Feet

Type: supportive

  • You can only use this skill every 15 minutes.
  • Level 1 MP -10; speed +10 for 4 sec.
  • Level 2 MP -15; speed +15 for 8 sec.
  • Level 3 MP -20; speed +20 for 12 sec.

Recovery.gif Recovery

Type: recovery

  • You can only use this skill every 10 minutes.
  • Level 1 MP -10; Recover 24 HP in 30 sec.
  • Level 2 MP -20; Recover 48 HP in 30 sec.
  • Level 3 MP -30; Recover 72 HP in 30 sec.

File:Threesnails.gif Three Snails

Type: active

  • Level 1 Snail Shell -1, MP -10; Damage 10
  • Level 2 Blue Snail Shell -1, MP -15; Damage 25
  • Level 3 Red Snail Shell -1, MP -20; Damage 40

First Job: The Magician

Alright, this is what you've survived through 8, long, enduring levels killing green snails to get to! Finally, down to some real magic! Alright, training is going to be pretty easy, and your damage will rise steadily and level out at about level 23 to 25.

Where to Train

  • Level 8 - 15: You've really got only one option here, that being to train at the Tree That Rose I, II, and III, Located 2 maps above the town of Ellinia.
  • Level 15 - 19: Plain and simple - Pig Beach. No more, no less. You shouldn't be here long, but leveling slow at level 19 so you can move on fairly quickly.
  • Level 19 - 27: Ant Tunnel I and II. Good experiences, although it can get crowded, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to find a good area. If it's too crowded in Ant Tunnel I, move to Ant Tunnel II.
  • Level 27 - 30: Cave of Evil Eye I and II. III and IV are reasonable as well, but the Boogies can get in the way occasionally. If it proves to be too much, try moving back into the Deep Ant Tunnels for a mix of Evil Eyes and Zombie Mushrooms.

Also, I hear Stirges are good leveling as well, though I'm not sure at what map.

Magician Skills

Improving Max MP Increase Improving MP Recovery (Magician)

Type: passive

  • Level 1 Constant additional recovery of MP
  • Level 16 Constant additional recovery of MP


  • This doesn't seem like much, mainly because it goes unnoticed in the heat of the battle. This, along with MP Eater, keep your MP Gauge up constantly, making the Meso Saving Cleric what it is.

Improving MP Recovery Improving Max MP Increase

Type: passive

  • Level 1 If MaxMP Level's up, 2, if AP is applied, add 1 more
  • Level 5 If MaxMP Level's up, 10, if AP is applied, add 5 more
  • Level 10 If MaxMP Level's up, 20, if AP is applied, add 10 more


  • What does a Magician need most? Why, MP of course! This will be your first maxed skill so you can get the most out of it.

Magic Guard Magic Guard

Type: supportive

  • Level 1 MP -6; Replace 11% of HP damage as MP for 111 seconds.
  • Level 10 MP -8; Replace 42% of HP damage as MP for 330 seconds.
  • Level 20 MP -12; Replace 80% of HP damage as MP for 600 seconds.


  • VERY IMPORTANT! Without this, us Magicians would be dying in 3-4 hits! With just this one skill, a Magicians durability matches that of a Warrior. Also, make sure you pay attention when this skill runs out, you don't want to forget about it and get killed because you didn't notice it wasn't on.

Magic Armor Magic Armor

Type: supportive

  • Level 1 MP -8; Weapon Def. +2 for 54 seconds.
  • Level 10 MP -10; Weapon Def. +20 for 200 seconds.
  • Level 20 MP -16; Weapon Def. +40 for 400 seconds.


  • Not important at all. Given SP simply as a filler.

Energy Bolt Energy Bolt

Type: active

  • Level 1 MP -6; Basic attack 20, mastery 15%
  • Level 10 MP -9; Basic attack 35, mastery 35%
  • Level 20 MP -14; Basic attack 55, mastery 60%


  • Used a Magicians main attacking skill from level 8 to level 15, while Max MP Increase is being maxed out.

Magic Claw Magic Claw

Type: active

  • Level 1 MP -10; Basic attack 11 x 2 Hit, mastery 15%
  • Level 10 MP -13; Basic attack 23 x 2 Hit, mastery 35%
  • Level 20 MP -20; Basic attack 40 x 2 Hit, mastery 60%


  • Another very important skill. This will be your main attacking skill from level 15 all the way until 41.

Skill Build