Lith Harbor

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Lith Harbor is the town you arrive in when you take the airship from Maple Island to Victoria Island. The monsters that occupy the screens until the Three Way Split are very easy to execute and it's handy for low-levels that came to Victoria to level on. You can also get to Florina Beach from here, at the cost of 1,000 mesos. This cost is negated once you acquire the VIP Ticket to Florina Beach. Although there isn't a Regular Cab in this area, there is a VIP cab that gets you to the 24-hour mobile store in the Dungeon of Sleepywood. And even though there isn't a regular cab, there is a ticketing man that acts like one, that is, he teleports you to Henesys, Ellinia, Kerning City or Perion for a fee.

Lith Harbour's Location

Lith Harbor is southwest of the Three Way Split Road, which is south of Kerning City and northwest of Henesys.

Lith Harbor

This is an image of where Lith Harbor is on the world map. Lith Harbor is the town you start at after reaching Victoria Island from Maple Island.

Related Links:
Towns located in Victoria Island.