The Ultimate Guide to Noobology

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What this guide does

Well, this guide tells you all the tricks of a noob. That's all.

What is a noob?

A noob is a person who's new on MapleStory, and they torment people either purposely, or accidentally. You find them all over the internet on MMORPGs, forums, and chatrooms. They are extremely annoying and need to be dealt with. Don't get me wrong, I like helping the beginners and all, but when they're this irritating I have to do something.



The common type, these walk around the place, with no armour and weapons, and beg for mesos. Most of the time they trade request you and then ask you up close. I usually just say 'No.' Or when they keep begging, I snap.


These guys are extremely annoying. You're there on the top level of the Henesys hunting ground owning Green Mushrooms, and these Level 7 beginners start asking you to train them. You say something like: 'No, I need full exp.' And they start saying 'plz'. If you say no again, they start threatening to defame you on their Level 78 mage account. It gets pretty funny watching them diss you and making a fool of themselves. But watch it if they're over the fame allowance level. So if they're Level 15+, watch what you say, they could defame you. But say what you want to the Beginners, they usually don't have high level accounts, because they're so noobish on this one.


If you actually agree to train someone, sometimes they sit there and watch you kill everything, then run around and collect all your hard-earned items and mesos. The best thing to do here is expel them and change channel. It's funny seeing them when they're expelled.


A bit like Leechers, but instead they don't run around picking items up. They say 'brb' or 'afk' and sit down or grab a rope. And while you're fighting, they gain exp while they're away. Most of the time they just sit watching you at the monitor.

The Good old FM sign

If you've ever walked to the free market from Henesys, you'll see a sign next to a dead tree. People often teleport up top and drop things and walk off. Soon enough it'll attract a poor Level 7 noob trying to get to it. He/She'll keep jumping and hoping to get up there, it's one of the stupidest things to do ever. I can't understand why they do it. They start making crying faces and saying 'help me plz'. Then when they get tired of jumping, they use the beginner spell, fast walk, and attempt to do a running jump to the item. Eventually other people come and do the same thing. It's hilarious, you should stop by there a couple of times, it's really entertaining, especially if you're a mage with the teleport spell. When you can see they've had enough, teleport up top and take your goodies. Look at their faces. Priceless.

Common noobish stunts

Kill steal accusors

Say you wanted to go to the Henesys hunting ground with your friends, and you were a really high level. You go to the top area and start killing some green mushrooms with your buddies. There'll be a couple of people who come minutes after and start fighting. Sometimes, if they can't get any kills in, they start moaning. And they say things like: 'omg stop ksing!' But I don't understand why they can't just change channel, they'll refuse to do it.


If you go to the Orbis ship, sometimes you'll end up having to take the ride with a low level guy/gal. Have you ever felt the urge to drop some items, and then pick them up when people see them? I have. Once when I was on my way to Orbis, this guy started asking for mesos. I told him no and he got annoyed. So I walked to the other side of the cabin and began dropping money and rare items. Before he could get to them, I picked them all up. Yeah, I know this is pretty annoying when you can't get your hands on something, but the little sucker defamed me.

Noobish item buying/selling

When you go to the free market, you expect to buy or sell something, right? You'll sometimes come across a person who wants to sell something for an idiotic price. This guy wanted to sell me some Charms of the Undead for 500 mesos each. So watch what you buy and sell, and find out some values on the internet firsthand. Don't get scammed.


These ones fill the place with pointless messages covered in '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' Most of the time these are used to buy and sell things, which I can understand, but sometimes they're used for something else.

Rapid Trade/Messenger/Party requesting

When you fall out with a really immature person they start requesting you to do stuff really fast, when you cancel it, the message comes again, and when you accept, they cancel it. It's really hard to avoid, and you sometimes have to put up with it until they get tired.

I think that about covers it. Written and made by JordanBoi. EMS Name- JordanBoi.