Kometto's Pirate Guide

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Pirate Skills

  Quick Motion [Level 20]:

Description: Increases Accuracy and Avoidability

Type: Passive

  • Level 1: Increases Accuracy 1 and Avoidability 1
  • Level 20: Increases Accuracy 20 and Avoidability 20

  Flash Fist [Level 20]

Description: Punches one enemy with force(does not need knuckle)


Type: Active

  • Level 1: -6 MP, 126% Damage , targets 1 enemy
  • Level 20: -14 MP, 240% Damage, targets 1 enemy

  Back-Flip Kick [Level 20]

Description: The character executes a Back-Flip Kick, damaging many monsters


Type: Active

  • Level 1: -8 MP, 84% Damage, targets 3 enemies
  • Level 20: -16 MP, 160% Damage, targets 6 enemies

  Double Shot [Level 20]

Description: Shoots 2 extremely fast but weak bullets


Type: Active

  • Level 1: -5 MP, uses 2 bullets, 61% damage, Range 350
  • Level 20: -9 MP, uses 2 bullets, 80% damage, Range 380

  Dash [Level 10]

Description: Double tap either left or right arrow keys to dash in that direction


Type: Supportive

  • Level 1: -14 MP, +12 speed, +1 jump, Lasts for 4 seconds
  • Level 10: -5 MP, +30 speed, +10 jump lasts for 20 seconds

SP Distribution

Standard Build: (What I like to call Standard)

  • Level 10: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +1(1)
  • Level 11: Dash +1(1), First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +2(3)
  • Level 12: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(6)
  • Level 13: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(9)
  • Level 14: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(12)
  • Level 15: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(15)
  • Level 16: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(18)
  • Level 17: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +2(Maxed!), Back Flip Kick +1(1)
  • Level 18: Back Flip Kick +3(4)
  • Level 19: Back Flip Kick +3(7)
  • Level 20: Back Flip Kick +3(10)
  • Level 21: Back Flip Kick +3(13)
  • Level 22: Back Flip Kick +3(16)
  • Level 23: Back Flip Kick +3(19)
  • Level 24: Back Flip Kick +1(Maxed!), Quick Motion +2(2)
  • Level 25: Quick Motion +3(5)
  • Level 26: Quick Motion +3(8)
  • Level 27: Quick Motion +3(11)
  • Level 28: Quick Motion +3(14)
  • Level 29: Quick Motion +3(17)
  • Level 30: Quick Motion +3(Maxed!)

I don't know alot about Pirate, I'm a GMS player, But shouldn't at lvl 24, there only be 3 sp points distributed, not 5, Plz Fix, i think a typo.... submitted by darkwine.

I call this the standard build because you get all the skills you need, Dash is not a needed skill. Dash is already good at level 1 anyway. First Strike/Double Barrel Shot is also maxed first which will be your attacking skill. Back-Flip Kick doesn't do a lot of damage it is still useful!

Dash Build:

  • Level 10: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +1(1)
  • Level 11: Dash +1(1) First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +2(3)
  • Level 12: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(6)
  • Level 13: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(9)
  • Level 14: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(12)
  • Level 15: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(15)
  • Level 16: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(18)
  • Level 17: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +2(Maxed!), Back Flip Kick +1(1)
  • Level 18: Back Flip Kick +3(4)
  • Level 19: Back Flip Kick +3(7)
  • Level 20: Back Flip Kick +3(10)
  • Level 21: Back Flip Kick +2(11), Dash +2(3)
  • Level 22: Dash +3(6)
  • Level 23: Dash +3(9)
  • Level 24: Dash +1(Maxed!), Quick Motion +2(2)
  • Level 25: Quick Motion +3(5)
  • Level 26: Quick Motion +3(8)
  • Level 27: Quick Motion +3(11)
  • Level 28: Quick Motion +3(14)
  • Level 29: Quick Motion +3(17)
  • Level 30: Quick Motion +3(Maxed!)

The dash build utilises Dash, but uses up SP for Back-Flip Kick. So I don't recommend it.

Mobbing Build:

  • Level 10: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +1(1)
  • Level 11: Dash +1(1), First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +2(3)
  • Level 12: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(6)
  • Level 13: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(9)
  • Level 14: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +1(10), Back-Flip Kick +2(2)
  • Level 15: Back-Flip Kick +3(5)
  • Level 16: Back-Flip Kick +3(8)
  • Level 17: Back-Flip Kick +3(11)
  • Level 18: Back-Flip Kick +3(14)
  • Level 19: Back-Flip Kick +3(17)
  • Level 20: Back-Flip Kick +3(Maxed!)
  • Level 21: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(13)
  • Level 22: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(16)
  • Level 23: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +3(19)
  • Level 24: First Strike/Double Barrel Shot +1(Maxed!), Quick Motion +2(2)
  • Level 25: Quick Motion +3(5)
  • Level 26: Quick Motion +3(8)
  • Level 27: Quick Motion +3(11)
  • Level 28: Quick Motion +3(14)
  • Level 29: Quick Motion +3(17)
  • Level 30: Quick Motion +3(Maxed!)

The mobbing build gets the same skills as the Standard Build, but it gets them in different order. Back-Flip Kick, the mob attack, is maxed first to go fight big mobs like in Pig Beach.

You can also max every skill except quick motion. But you won't have as much accuracy. You'll have less accuracy than low-dex build warriors. This only applies if you're a knuckle pirate. If you're an gun pirate you don't have to max quick motion. Since you're DEX should be high as a crossbowman's.

I recommend the standard build. Dash is good but not like haste. You cannot attack while using dash. And I'd say maxing Back-Flip kick is a good idea. This well help you later in first and maybe even second job.

Training Places

Here are training places for both pirates. Edit: Once the Pirate job comes out I will try my best to quickly find the best places to train sorry if this doesn't give enough details.

Knuckle Pirate

Level 1-10: On Maple Island you can do all the quests pretty easily. As well as killing all the monsters.

Level 10-15: Keep on doing the training quests with Kairin. You should also try doing some of the level 10 quests which give you pots. They are useful and give good exp. You should train on the weak monsters near Nautilus Port. Or go to the Slime Tree. At level 12 you can try orange mushrooms. At level 13 or 14 kill orange mushrooms.

Level 16-20: Stick to mushrooms for a bit. At level 17 or 18 you should try Pig Beach until Level 20.

Level 21-25: You can still fight pigs until Level 22 or fight Green Mushrooms. At level 21 you can do the Kerning PQ, (recommended that you wait until level 23), or fight Horned Mushrooms.

Level 26-30: You can stick to Horned Mushrooms until Level 30 or do the Kerning PQ. You can try Zombie Mushrooms at Ant Tunnel I and II.

Gun Pirate

Level 1-10: You can do some quest on Maple Island but not the hard ones. Also kill Snails or Stumps.

Level 10-15: At level 10 try doing the training quest with Kairin. Then train on Slimes or Shrooms. At level 11-15 you can try Orange Mushrooms at early levels then Pigs at 14 and 15.

Level 16-20: Stick to Pigs for a bit. At level 18 you should try Pig Beach until Level 20. Try killing Stopnows and Biners in Singapore but you might MISS a lot.

Level 21-25: You can still fight Pigs until Level 22 or fight Green Mushrooms. At level 23 you can do the Kerning PQ or fight Horned Mushrooms.

Level 26-30: You can stick to Horny Mushrooms until Level 30 or do the Kerning PQ. You can try Zombie Mushrooms at Ant Tunnel 1 and 2.

Need to update the Training Guide

Pirate Info!

Here are some videos you can watch about the pirate!

  • videos were deleted due to infrignment of copyrights.


DO NOT post my guide anywhere else without my permission. This guide is mine. You may use this for personal use.


I like to thank Nexon and Wizet who created this wonderful MMORPG. Also thank Insoya.com with their awesome .gif images. And last but not least you guys who read my guide.