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Type of Item

  • Weapon: Wand


  • Weapon Attack: 39 (35-44)
  • Magic Attack: 63 (58-69)
  • Weapon Speed: Normal

Required Stats

  • Class: Magician
  • Level: 48
  • Intelligence: 145
  • Luck: 50


Free Market

Rarity: Quite common

  • Price: 300k - 500k

Magician Weapons
Levels 1-10
Wooden Wand - Wooden Staff
Levels 11-20
Hardwood Wand - Sapphire Staff - Emerald Staff - Metal Wand - Old Wooden Staff
Levels 21-30
Ice Wand - Wizard Staff - Mithril Wand - Circle-Winded Staff - Poison Mushroom
Levels 31-40
Wizard Wand - Maple Staff - Petal Staff - Fairy Wand - Crystal Wand - Hall Staff
Levels 41-50
Street Light - Maple Lama Staff - Nocturnal Staff - Arc Staff - Cromi - Zhu-Ge-Liang Wand
Levels 51-60
Mystic Cane - Heart Staff - Thorns - Evil Tale - Hinomaru Fan
Levels 61-70
Evil Wings - Maple Wisdom Staff/Maple Widam Staff - Angel Wings
Levels 70-80
Elemental Wand 1 - Elemental Wand 2 - Elemental Wand 3 - Elemental Wand 4 - Dark Ritual - Phoenix Wand
Levels 80-90
Kage - Magicodar
Levels 90-100
Pyogo Mushroom - Blue Marine - Dimon Wand
Levels 100+
Doomsday Staff - Dragon Wand - Dragon Staff - Elemental Wand 5 - Elemental Wand 6 - Elemental Wand 7 - Elemental Wand 8 - Elemental Staff 3 - Elemental Staff 4 - Elemental Staff 5 - Elemental Staff 6 - Elemental Staff 7 - Elemental Staff 8 - Timeless Enreal Tear - Reverse Aeas Hand