This user is an admin of MapleWiki. Feel free to leave a message on my talk page if you have any concerns or anything you want to talk to me about.
Hello I am Yao12310, I started small, then wrote my Guide, now I'm working on an evan guide. Now I'm an admin. Also I mean what I said up there, please contact me about any vandals or if you have concerns.
Name | Class | Level | World | Wealth | Notes |
darkbishop14 | Cleric | 38 | Broa | 0 | Inactive, mainly because of Dracos |
HPmenace14 | Fighter | 33 | Broa | 4m | inactive HP Warrior |
Darkoutlaw14 | Brawler | 30 | Mardia | 100k | Inactive *See darkbishop14's reason* |
DarkKilla14 | Thief | 45 | Broa | 50m | Dexless inactive Ill get back on when Dracos is 40-ish |
Darkash14 | Blaze Wizard | 26 | Mardia | 400k | inactive |
Maverik14 | Aran | 37 | Galicia | 300k | Inactive lack of money on him has brought me to restart killa |
Darkdawn14 | Dawn Warrior | 21 | Broa | 0 | Inactive |
DarkDracos14 | Evan | 35 | Broa | 10m | Active, dang I'm having a lot of fun with this guy! |
gemanmf4 | Cleric | 54 | Mardia | 0 | Hacked *:( Very :(* |
This user likes Magicians best |
This user likes the world Broa of GMS best |
TheFool09, NiteniteLord's replacement vandal. Yay.
Did I mention he's my brother?
You see we share the computer, which explains the exact same IP adress, and then when he discovered I was an Admin here, he decided to try to make life as miserable as possible for me. Which is how he came to create TheFool09, speaking of which, he should be on in a few minutes, I have to study, and he is probably going to take the computer... Never mind, I made sure he won't be on for a while...
Congratulations on becoming an admin! That's awesome news! Sorry for not responding to your previous post. I was a tad busy with work and not able to get back for a bit.
What extra is involved when you become an admin? I would not mind doing so but I want to know what I'm getting into first. I definitely am on the Wiki in waves: active for a few months, slightly active for a month, active again for a few months, ... If it would mean helping to clean up the data here, no problem. I'm glad to provide help and information for others so that they can get through quests and seek out weapons. dagon12 00:58, 18 April 2010 (UTC)
Part 2
Let me think about it. I'm thinking yes but I'm also just about to start a 2 week vacation tomorrow so it's doubtful that I will even be online during that time. Makes no sense for me to start and then immediately do nothing. I'd rather wait until I'm back and then do so. dagon12 07:10, 20 April 2010 (UTC)
Why did you resign already? That was a pretty short stint as admin. Couldn't you just be a less active user and still stay admin? Or are there some obligations that they want from you which you can't quite meet. dagon12 16:21, 26 May 2010 (UTC)