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I have been playing since GMS's beta. My first character was KeroGero on Tespia, a warrior with terribly messed up stats.


Name Level Job World Notes
Froglet 69 Cleric Scania On temporary hiatus.
ZabaTheHutt 49 Assassin Scania On temporary hiatus.
KeroGero 1X Pirate Scania Training to become a Gunslinger.
KrazyKaizoku 4X Brawler Scania Most active.
oObliOo 1X Bowman Scania Mostly a mineral ore mule.
just4luls 1X Warrior Scania Mostly a jewel ore mule. (Will become a page)


I currently don't have plans to create any character guides; I prefer to use the ones created by other people.