Red Martial Arts Pants (M)

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Red Martial Arts Pants (M)
Red Martial Arts Pants M.png
Type Bottom
No. of Slots 7
Class Warrior
Level 30
STR 95
Weapon Defense
Max HP

NPC Value

  • 2,800 mesos


Warrior Bottoms
Level 1-30
Blue Lolico Pants (M) - Brown Lolico Pants (M) - Rookie Pants (F) - Sophia Pants (F) - Brown Corporal Pants (M) - Steel Corporal Pants (M) - Steel Sergeant Kilt (M) - Brown Ramel Skirt (F) - Green Ramel Skirt (F) - Red Ramel Skirt (F) - Red Sergeant Kilt (M) - Orihalcon Master Sergeant Kilt (M) - Silver Master Sergeant Kilt (M) - Dark Master Sergeant Kilt (M) - Blue Shark Skirt (F) - Red Shark Skirt (F) - Sky Shark Skirt (F) - Black Martial Arts Pants (M) - Brown Martial Arts Pants (M) - Red Martial Arts Pants (M) - White Martial Arts Pants (M)
Level 31-70
White Martial Arts Shorts (M) - King Pepe White Martial Arts Shorts - King Pepe Red Shark Skirt - Black Jangoon Pants (M) - Brown Jangoon Pants (M) - White Jangoon Pants (M) - Black Jangoon Skirt (F) - Brown Jangoon Skirt (F) - Red Jangoon Skirt (F) - Blue Shouldermail Pants (M) - Ocher Shouldermail Pants (M) - Umber Shouldermail Pants (M) - Dark Shouldermail Pants (F) - Ivory Shouldermail Pants (F) - Red Shouldermail Pants (F) - Blue Orientican Pants (M) - Dark Orientican Pants (M) - Green Orientican Pants (M) - Red Orientican Pants (M) - Blue Ice Queen Skirt (F) - Green Ice Queen Skirt (F) - Red Ice Queen Skirt (F) - Aqua Platina Pants (F) - Blood Platina Pants (F) - Violet Platina Pants (F) - Bronze Platine Pants (M) - Mithril Platine Pants (M) - Orihalcon Platine Pants (M)
Level 71+
Blue Commodore Pants (M) - Dark Commodore Pants (M) - Green Commodore Pants (M) - Blood Valkyrie Skirt (F) - Green Valkyrie Skirt (F) - Purple Valkyrie Skirt (F) - Black Neos Pants (M) - Blue Neos Pants (M) - Green Neos Pants (M) - Dark Lucida Skirt (F) - Green Lucida Skirt (F) - Purple Lucida Skirt (F)