JM From tha Streetz

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JM From tha Streetz.png

Quests Given

Common Location


Work Gloves - Synthesized with 15 Leathers and 1,000 mesos.
Brown Duo - Synthesized with 30 Leathers, 20 Firewoods, and 7,000 mesos.
Blue Duo - Synthesized with 30 Leathers, 20 Horny Mushroom Tops, and 7,000 mesos.
Black Duo - Synthesized with 30 Leathers, 20 Wild Boar's Tooth, and 7,000 mesos.
Bronze Mischief - Synthesized with 2 Bronzes, 40 Leathers, and 10,000 mesos.
Mithril Mischief - Synthesized with 1 Bronze Mischief, 1 Mithril, and 5,000 mesos.
Dark Mischief - Synthesized with 1 Bronze Mischief, 1 Opal, and 7,000 mesos.
Bronze Wolfskin - Synthesized with 2 Bronzes, 1 Steel, 10 Leathers, and 15,000 mesos.
Mithril Wolfskin - Synthesized with 1 Bronze Wolfskin, 2 Mithrils, and 10,000 mesos.
Dark Wolfskin - Synthesized with 1 Bronze Wolfskin, 2 Opals, and 12,000 mesos.
Steel Sylvia - Synthesized by with 2 Steels, 50 Leathers, 10 Screws, and 25,000 mesos.
Silver Sylvia
Gold Sylvia
Gold Arbion
Steel Arbion
Orihalcon Arbion
Dark Cleave
Red Cleave
Gold Cleave
Blue Moon Gloves
Brown Moon Gloves
Red Moon Gloves
Bronze Pow
Steel Pow
Gold Pow
Steel Titans
Mithril Titans
Gold Titans
Bronze Igor
Steel Igor
Adamantium Igor
Steel Guards
Mithril Guards
Adamantium Guards
Bronze Guardian
Silver Guardian
Dark Guardian
Steel Avarice
Blood Avarice
Adamantium Avarice
Dark Avarice
Steel Slain
Blood Slain
Sapphire Slain
Processed Wood