The Ice Knight

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Ice Knight.gif


The Ice Knight is an ice based foe that players can morph into during Battle Square. Out of 10 players, one will have the chance of becoming the Ice Knight, where the remainder will have to defeat as the Ice Knight defends himself.


Icon Skill Name Description Type Mastered Prerequisites
IK1.png Basic Attack Basic Attack. Active - -
IK4.png Ice Chop Swing your frosty axe to attack multiple enemies and knock them back. Active 1 5 slots
IK3.png Ice Smash Raise your sword to attack many foes and freeze them. Active 1 20 slots
IK2.png Ice Tempest Cast an ice storm as an area-of-effect for continuous damage. Active 1 40 slots
IK5.png Ice Panic Chance to transform one or more enemies into snails. Active 1 60 slots