Big Boss (Grandpa)

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"Only the best party can take down this creature; you shouldn't think of soloing it.He has lower health than both his Bodyguards and he can be defeated rather fast. He is not insanely difficult, but all his attacks lower your hp to 1 (although the attacks fully increase your mana)."


  • Level: 175
  • HP: 150,000,000
  • MP: 100,000
  • Experience: 21,875,000
  • Knock Back: 5000
  • Speed: -20


  • Weapon Attack: 1600
  • Magic Attack: 1350
  • Accuracy: 300


  • Weapon Defense: 5000
  • Magic Defense: 4300
  • Avoidability: 120

Elemental Weaknesses

  • Most Effective Magic: Fire
  • Effective Magic: Ice, Lightning, Poison, Holy
  • Less Effective Magic:
  • Non-Effective Magic: Heal

Special Abilities


  • Purple Lightning
    • Decreases HP and MP to 1.
  • Hurricane Attack
    • Decreases HP and MP to 1.
    • Seal


  • Regeneration

Common Location



Warrioricon.gif Warrior Mageicon.gif Magician Thieficon.gif Thief Bowmanicon.gif Bowman Pirateicon.gif Pirate Allicon.gif All

Wu Sun.gif Zhu-Ge-Liang Wand

Goldemerald.gif Gold Emerald Earrings

Violet Snowshoes.gif Violet Snowshoes

Black Magic Cape.gif Black Magic Cape


Use Etc. Ores Mesos
Elixir.gif Elixir Big Boss's Flashlight.gif Big Boss' Flashlight

Powerelixir.png Power Elixir The Boss Card.png The Boss Card


Armor Accessory Weapon
30%.gif 30% Dark Scroll for Gloves for HP
70%.gif 70% Dark Scroll for Cape for HP
70%.gif 70% Dark Scroll for Cape for Luck


  • Japan Maplestory and MapleSEA boss ..... now in Maple Global
  • Spawns in "The Nightmarish Last Days" found at the end of Armory by talking to Konpei after both Bodyguard A and Bodyguard B are defeated.
  • He isn't the real boss of the Yazuka Mafia, he is simply a fire raccoon pretending to be him.