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His full name is: Zirta Supagician. He was born in Ellinia. His parents died when he was at a young age, and he was raised by Grendal himself. He practically lived in Grendal's Magic Library. Since he was young he always had an interest in the magic arts. He read books in the magic library until there was nothing left to read. At the age of 8 he was given the chance of a lifetime, he would be trained by Grendal to practice magic.

8 years have passed since that faithful day, and since then he has learned the basics of being a mage that used the magic of Ice and Lightning. Zirta's story is a classic case of 'the student surpassing the master'. Recently, he has traveled to El Nath and met with the Mage instuctor. He passed both her tests: defeating a clone of Grendal, and passing a difficult test of wits.

Zirta's story does not end here. He is constantly training to improve himself in the way of Ice and Lightning magic.

(If you have any experiences with Supagician in Khaini, please do not hesistate to edit them 
onto this page.)