Personplacething's Guide to MapleStory Terminology

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NOTE: This is a work in progress. It will not be completed until I remove this line of text from the top of the page. Before that, please refrain from adding anything to this page. Thank you.


Hello, and welcome to my guide to MapleStory's terminology! Now, there will be two different groups of users, no prejudice involved. There will be the experienced players who understand the common terminology of RPG games and then there is the part for the fresh players that are completely new to the Role Playing Game system. For all you experienced players, you can skip anything that's heading ends in "(Newb)" (which is just a little endearment term I use for the new players :DD). Well, without further ado, let's get started!

Basic RPG Terminology (Newb)

As with any RPG game in which you take the role as a character in a universe that is created by the game, there exists languages that derive from pidgin invented by players attempting to communicate between two different languages and the common AIM-like messages that are sometimes used.

So, what better place to start than defining the word RPG?

RPG-Role Playing Game, a game in which players take the role of a character that is able to interact with NPCs and other players. NPC-Non-Player Characters, characters which the player can interact with, but are not players themselves.

Certain RPG games that have leveling (the majority) will have the term LVL(lvl), which means "level".

Those are the most basic terms in any RPG. From this point on, any more vocabulary will be completely game-related and won't be seen in other games (with a few exceptions, of course).

Derogatory RPg Language (Newb)

Yes, I know all of you people there who hate HATERS will tell me not to make this portion of the guide, but I feel that compiling a list of derogatory language is necessary. For our own protection and those of new players, this is pretty useful.

Noob (also spelled "n00b", "nub", "nuub", and many other variations)-a contraction of the word "new" or "newbie", it is used either for players with terrible stats, new players who don't understand the game, or players that just piss off other players (excuse the bad language).

Hater-actually a commonly used word in our own lives, meaning someone who speaks or acts in a derogatory way against certain people or things. Hacker(also spelled "hax0r", "haxor", and other variations)-A person that either uses illegal software or changes game files to get an unfair advantage over other players.

Somewhat Derogatory Language

Some words might not be taken so negatively, so I have included them here.

1337(though the numbers spell "leet", the official way of writing this word is "1337")-contraction (and symbolization) of the word "elite", used by some to promote themselves as powerful, but usually just gets themselves called a n00b.

Pro-short for "professional", this word is also used for self-promoting, but has the same negative effect as "1337".