Attack Vs Stats

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This is a guide for numerous Maplers who ask me this question: Is attack better or is stats better? Your questions are answered in this guide.

One attack = ? Primary stat.

This is one of common questions I heard in Maplestory. The formula below gives the true value of stats = 1 attack.

( 4 * Primary STAT + Secondary STAT ) / ( 4 * ATTACK )

Look at your primary and secondary stats from your ability window. Add up your total attack from your equipments, BoF, buffs and more.

E.g. Class: Warrior, so Primary STAT is STR and Secondary STAT is DEX.

STR: 620

DEX: 100


(4 * 620 + 100) / (4 * 170) = 3.79

So 1 attack = 3.79 STR.

The 2nd formula is useful for equipment comparison.

( 4 * Primary STAT + Secondary STAT ) / ( 4 * ATTACK * Total Primary STAT potential )

Which "Total Primary STAT potential" = (total stat % / 100) + 1. E.g. +150% STR equipment = 2.5, +0% STR = 1

Base stats, skills, equipments (and more) are multiplied by our total % stat potential. For instance adding 1 STR with no potential equipments gives only 1 STR, but adding 1 STR with 300% STR potential equipments actually gives 4 STR, not 1.

One primary stat = ? attack

It is the first formula but inversed.

( 4 * ATTACK ) / ( 4 * Primary STAT + Secondary STAT )

Same example as above.

(4 * 170) / (4 * 620 + 100) = 0.2636

So 1 STR = 0.2636 attack.

And for better equipments "comparison",

( 4 * ATTACK * Total Primary STAT potential ) / ( 4 * Primary STAT + Secondary STAT )

1% Primary stat = ? attack

It is 1% stat instead of 1 stat. Find how much 1% stat gives by adding your total base primary stat and additional stats from skills and buffs, then divide that answer to 100. Multiply your answer into second formula (One primary stat = ? attack formula)

Total Damage +% vs Attack +%

Both of these have almost the same effect on your damage.

Problem with total damage is it does not show in attack range, don’t be fooled if you think it doesn’t do anything, it does!

Problem with attack % is it rounds down into unit. For example if you have 495 total attack and 1% is 4.95, then it counts as 4.00 attack.

Weapon with 2 lines of total damage and attack +% will multiply together instead of adding, which is slightly better than having both lines with attack +%.

e.g. Attack +9% & Total Damage +6% is better than Attack +9% & Attack +6%.

I’m not mastered in this section and I might be wrong, because attack % from skill for certain jobs may add with potential.

Quick sum: Total damage > Attack, but treat them as if they were the same!

Attack +% vs Stat +%

(Assuming attack and total damage is the same)

Attack +%(or total damage +%) is always better than Primary Stat +%.

^ I said that in my old guide but maple has evolved. I would now say ALMOST ALWAYS BETTER, but treat as if they are always.

Total Primary Stat +% from equipments vs Attack +%/Primary +% ratio

The total primary stat +% from your equipment will influence the ratio between attack +% and primary stat +% from your weapon.

Equip Ratio

0% No difference

10% 1.1

20% 1.2

50% 1.5

100% 2

150% 2.5

200% 3

(Assuming your secondary stat is 0)

Total Primary Stat +%/100 + 1 = Attack %/ Total Primary Stat % [3]

Okay, I seem to put this junk without explaining it.

Simply, the more stat % equipment you have, the more benefit attack % gives than stat %.

“I have 0% DEX equips total. I saw two clean Reverse Blindness in Free Market and both are 2 lined, same base attack and same price. However, one gun has DEX +3% and other gun has ATTACK +3%. Which one is better, and by how much?”

According to the table, initially having 0% DEX equips means DEX 3% and ATT 3% are the same since they have no difference.

“Now I have 150% DEX equips total”

ATT 3% would be better than DEX 3% by 2.5, therefore ATT 3% = DEX 3% x 2.5

ATT 3% = DEX 7.5%.

For funded players, having STAT % on their weapon benefits little. Even if I have 21% STR weapon, I rather recube and go for 15% ATT.

Average maplers do not like maths or do not understand, so it is often that you will get the answer wrong if you ask any of these questions. For example people simply say 1 attack = 5 LUK but really it DEPENDS on your total attack and your total stats.

Or, people say 9% LUK earring gives 9% of your range. Little bit true but misunderstanding there. It’s your total % stat equipment that counts… Say you have 150% LUK equipment then sure you could say “it multiply your range by 2.5 compared to 0% LUK”.

If you find maths really hard, then give yourself a play on comparison test. Say if you have 6% STR earring, go find out how much it adds to your range. Then check out how much 10 attack wg gives. See the difference and ask which one is better? Worse? Delete Maple?


Phong / Scholtex999 - Main Contributor to the guide

Tony Vu aka. Unblemished (talk) 23:45, 27 December 2012 (CST) - Organizer and editing.