Party Quest (Ludibrium)

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NOTE: It is suggested that this article be merged with Party Quest (Ludibrium) 2.


Many players at around level 40 may begin to get bored of the game, possibly because of slow training or other reasons. The Ludibrium Party Quest is a quest for those willing to take a challenge, and work with 5 other party members through 10 complex stages. Completing this quest requires teamwork, patience, and skill. This party quest is the second of the two currently available, with the first (and easier) one being the Kerning City Party Quest.

Party Requirements

Before beginning this party quest, be sure to read through this list of requirements:

  • You must have 6 party members to begin this quest. These players must all be in the level range of levels 35-50. Players level 40+ are preferred.
  • One member of the party must be a Magician (any type), with at least Level 1 Teleport (Cleric preferred).
  • One of these party members must be an Assassin with Dark Sight, and maxed range on their throwing stars.
  • The rest of the slots are open to whatever class you choose. Bowmen higher than level 40 are useful, as are Warriors over level 45.
  • All members of the party must make sure they have considerable amounts of HP and MP potions, to prevent them from dying during the quest.
  • It is highly recommended to have a Cleric in your party, to heal you while fighting the boss. Having one in your party will save you many HP potions. However, it may even be wise to have 2 clerics in your party, for they may be prone to dying (especially lower leveled clerics)
  • Also, cure potions such as Eyedrops and Holy Water are recommended while fighting Alishar (the PQ boss). All Cure Potions are most convienient, for they cure all states.

If your party meets all of these requirements, you are ready to begin to PQ! To enter the party quest, you must first head to the 101st floor of the Eos Tower. Then, get the leader to click on the Red Sign to begin the party quest (assuming no party is already in it).

Finding A Party & Getting In

If you're trying to get into a party, put on your best equipment and channel surf! In each channel you visit, advertise your availability. Don't stay too long in each channel. Keep in mind that you'll have a much easier time getting in during weekdays (Monday - Thursday), during the early afternoon and late at night, EST. Also you will have a much easier time if you play in a server other than Scania or Bera. Once in a party, ask for your party's track. If they don't have one and you're not prepared to wait a long while, do not hesitate to leave and search for another party. If they do have a track, check it.

Once the party that your party is tracking reaches Stage 7, you should start to check your track repeatedly. Stage 8 will probably take the party a long while for them to finish, but once they get into A Crack on the Wall (the boss stage), your leader needs to start clicking the stop-sign. Only a few seconds after they leave the boss stage, the PQ will open!

  • Please do NOT use autoclickers. Sure, they help you get in, but they are a violation of MapleGlobal and MapleSEA's Terms of Service and you may get banned for using one.

The Quest Process

Finally! You're in the Ludibrium PQ! You thought that the worst was over, right? Well, not really. Unlike the Kerning City Party Quest, the Ludibrium PQ is extremely difficult, and will require a lot of precision to complete, even when inside. This is how to complete the Party Quest.

Stage One

A party in Stage One.

Move up and down the area, killing the black ratz. They've got a little more HP than usual. Each kill will net you one coupon. Give them to your leader, then have him talk to the red balloons NPC to open the portal to the next stage. Have two or three of your party members go through the portal. The rest should wait by the exit of Stage One.

Stage Two

The party members who went through the portal should go down to the second box. When they hit it, all the members you sent into Stage Two will be moved to the Tower's Trap. Basically it's just a mini-stage to do, but since you've got 3 or 4 other party members waiting to come through, you can do Stage Two and Tower's Trap simultaneously. This saves a lot of time. Once the 2 or 3 have been taken to the Trap, the other members should go through the portal and beat Stage Two as usual. Both groups need to hit all the blue boxes they come across. Each box that was hit will drop a coupon. You may need a Magician in the trap to teleport over to a difficult-to-reach box. When both groups are done, give all 15 tickets to the leader and have him talk to the orange balloons NPC. Everyone should now proceed through the portal.

Stage Three

Now, have all party members begin to smash the boxes. Most boxes in this stage will spawn Bloctopus. Each Blocktopus will drop a single coupon upon being killed. Your party should split up. Half can go down and smash the boxes as they go. The Bloctopus will fall down to the bottom area, where you can easily mob attack them. The other half should go up and kill all of the Bloctopus up there. Give all of your coupons to the leader, who gives them to the yellow balloons NPC. Proceed through the portal to Stage Four.

Stage Four

When you reach this stage, everyone should jump or fall down to the bottom of the area. Now, begin to work your way up. When you reach a portal (the bottom and top portals don't do anything), mark that you went in by dropping 10 mesos or an item near the portal. Then go in. Inside, it is completely dark, with one or more monsters inside. The monsters are black so you cannot see them. Every once in a while, they will open their eyes. These monsters can only be damaged if their eyes are open. Once you're done, leave through one of the portals in your room. If there are any more unmarked portals, do one of those rooms, otherwise go up to the balloons and wait for the rest of your party. Drop your coupons. The leader should click the lime-green balloons NPC to open the portal. Continue through.

  • Player's note: It should be known that the types of monster in each portal is different. The bottom two have high magic defense, making them impossible to beat by mages, and the top three have high weapon defense, making them impossible to beat by anyone but mages. (I forget what the actual names of these monsters are)

Stage Five

The Thief with Dark Sight should activate it and go down through the Golems. There are several portals. The Bandit or Assassin will need to go through each one and collect the passes in each room. Beware! Some rooms may contain more Golems, which dish out 8000+ damage per hit. The rest of the party, go up. Again, mark the portals you go into. Two members should go through each portal. In every room, climb up and jump off the side of the rope onto the chests on the side of the room. The Magician with teleport needs to take the top portal. Have him/her teleport (or Haste jump) up into the portal. In their room, they need to teleport directly down into their stage. Once everyone's done, they should drop their passes to their leader, and pass through the portal that opens.

Stage Six

The Sixth Stage is fairly simple, similar to the puzzle stages of the Kerning City PQ. At this point, someone in your party will probably announce the order to the newbies.

The order is: 133, 221, 333, 123, 111

Hit up while standing on the numbered barrels in that order. At the top is a portal.

Stage Seven

Once in the next room, go down to the bottom of the stage. Someone in your party will be picked to kill Ratz. Every time they kill a Black Ratz, a Rombard miniboss will spawn in the bottom area. The Cleric should have no problem keeping you healed. After it takes a bit of damage it will summon Block Golems. Just kill them all and after every Rombard kill, amd tell the party member who is killing the Ratz to kill another one. Another Rombard will Spawn. Be careful! Multiple rombards can spawn if the Ratz-killer kills more than one at a time, making it difficult to beat this stage. After all of the coupons have been collected, give them to your leader and go through the portal which appears.

Stage Eight

Yet another puzzle stage. It is very similar to the Kerning City PQ puzzle, but with nine boxes. This can get tedious. The #1 and #2 are boxes should always be covered, although they're usually relinquished to the party newbie if they're too slow.

This is an example of the order, if you don't remember: 12345, 12346, 12347, 12348, 12349, 12356, 12357, 12358, 12359, 12367, 12368...

Continue until you get the right combination. It can become confusing after 1 and 2 start moving, but you shouldn't have much trouble.

A Crack On The Wall - Killing The Alishar (Boss)

A party fighting Alishar, the PQ boss.

Have your Bowman or Assassin kill the Ratz on the platform so the passes drop directly onto the treasure chest. An Alishar is summoned! Your Cleric should start spamming Heal and not stop until the end of the battle. This is because that you will not be able to take even 2 or 3 hits from the boss. Use skills to pour tons of damage on him; his health will get down in no time. After losing a bit of his health, he'll will begin to summon Chronos, which are a nuisance. Kill them as quickly as you can so you can get back to killing the Alishar. If you're good, you can get him to the next summon-level before he summons more Chronos. The next monsters that are summoned are Platoon Chronos. These are larger and take more damage before they go down, but your party should be able to hold its own.

About this time, if too many of your party members have died, your party may struggle. Alishar will constantly Seal you or Blind you, making it impossible to mob the Chronos or hit the Alishar. You will eventually make it to his last "stage" of summoning. The Alishar will begin to summon Master Chronos, which is quite annoying if you are fighting the battle on your own, or with only one other person. It's nearly impossible to get a hit on Alishar unless you're a Warrior. Eventually, the Alishar will go down. Let the leader pick up the keys he drops. You will now proceed to the Bonus Stage.

Player note: Once in the boss stage the coupon fell down, so make sure that doesn't happen. It is possible to throw it back up by jump and dropping, be careful~!

Bonus Stage

Upon entering, you have one minute to collect as much loot as you can. Hitting a box opens a cascade of Mesos and items. It is recommended that you not bother with them unless you see a cape, earrings, or Dew (sells for a few thousand Mesos at an NPC). After a minute, your party will automatically be ejected into the conclusion stage.

The Exit

Go up the ladder and talk to Arturo to recieve your prize. You will be sent to Eos Tower: 101st Floor. Some prizes include Summon Bags, Elixers, Ores, Screws, and Scrolls. This PQ should have netted you 40000-45000 Experience.

Congratulations! You have just completed the Ludibrium Party Quest!