New Adventure Awaits...

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The Phantom Forest is one of the more dangerous areas of the Maple World. If the twisted paths around the forest didn't kill you, Bigfoot, the Headless Horseman and all the other creatures that roamed its woods would gladly take their chances. But at the moment, that wasn't the primary concern of Jack Barricade. The Fog was.

The fog was everywhere, and thick enough to almost swim through. It masked the many dangers of the forest maddeningly well, preventing a valiant defense from being mustered before a creature was upon you. Nevertheless, he pressed on, lamenting his mistake--misplacing the Map that allowed you to move around without being lost. Someone cried for help, but with no way of finding them, he had to look the old-fashioned way.

Jack wandered though the forest, his ears straining to hear the frantic, faint cry that echoed through the forest. And then, he heard the cry grow louder and louder--he was nearly there. He picked up his pace and ran straight ahead--and was nearly tripped up by a phantom tree. Taking a swig of his trusty Barricade Booster, Jack lept over the branch, hit the ground with a roll and kept running.

At last he reached it--the Prendergast Mansion, the once-proud house of joy now turned into a wooden monstrosity, fit only for the most demonic toys. One of them, a Nightmare, had cornered a young adventurer, one obviously new to the forest. It closed in upon him, ready to add yet another notch on its wooden rockers when an empty cantina suddenly disrupted its thought process. It looked back and saw a gruff, strange man with a black bandana. The Nightmare charged without hesistation.

Jack stared it down, waiting for the perfect moment...and then he uttered the words that had once been used upon him.


The evil mare froze in place, struggling.

"Originus returnus!"

The creature burst into flames, shrinking and shrieking, until all that remained was a 3-foot high, wooden rocking horse.

Jack walked over to the young adventurer, and helped him up.

"Careful, ace. This part of the forest isn't so bad, but you'd better not go any further."

"I was trying to get a close look at the mansion--it's changed!"

"Of course it has--those ghosts were purged some time ago."

"No--it's changed again! There's other things in there now! I tried to reach one of the rooms and thought I could beat that thing by luring it out here. Guess I was wrong."

"Nothing wrong with being lucky. What's changed?"

"Some new guy in there is babbling about his master, some feast, and the ghosts that are trying to ruin it. I wanted to help."

Jack nodded. "Well, I suggest getting back to New Leaf City, maybe speaking with my brother. He's got a few things that might help you out."

"I was planning to--right after I flew to a new place--Singapore! I've heard its every bit as beautiful as NLC."

Jack perked an eyebrow. "Really, now? Well, between what's in the mansion and this new area, I suppose its be good to see what all this is about..."

The traveler boarded the next Hummer bound for NLC, while Jack stared at the Mansion...and then the door opened. Jack chuckled.

"Well, a Barricade never turns down an invitation."

He took a swig of his booster, and walked thought the door. Only one question nagged at him--what would await him in the mansion?

He'd soon find out...

From on the GM Blog

(this was the halloween event on 2008 in MapleGlobal)

And so will you.