A Delivery To A Lost Time

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Revision as of 19:38, 9 September 2008 by Schelant15 (talk | contribs) (→‎Rewards)
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This is a multi-step quest. You'll need to do a few things and go to a few places before receiving a reward.

  1. First go to the Olson the Toy Soldier. He is at the top floor of Eos Tower and is the one you talked to for the Dollhouse quest. This would be the same soldier where you got the pendulum.
  2. He gives you back the pendulum so you can take it to Grandpa Clock. He is located in the clock tower in Ludibrium. More specifically, you should go down four floors until the Whirlpool of Time and then go left one room to Lost Time <1>.
  3. Talk to Grandpa Clock. You'll find that he is running low and needs to be wound up with the All-purpose Clock Spring.
  4. Go back to the Whirlpool of Time and kill Tick-Tocks until they drop one.
  5. Take the All-purpose Clock Spring back to Grandpa Clock. He tells you things are now fixed.
  6. Go back to Olson the Toy Soldier and let him know.
