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Revision as of 01:18, 11 August 2008 by KeroGero (talk | contribs)
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I have been playing since GMS's beta. My first character was KeroGero on Tespia, a warrior with terribly messed up stats. As I now find warriors slow to train, I've put my current warrior on hiatus; I plan to remake the character as a pirate, assuming that class comes to GMS. If not, then I'll just continue using it as a mule.


Name Level Job World Notes
Froglet 69 Cleric Scania Most active.
ZabaTheHutt 39 Assassin Scania Mainly used to store Mineral Ore, but I've recently begun playing this character again.

I have been told in game by many people that the name is all wrong. I'd like to explain it here.

The word zaba, in a few European languages, means frog. With the proper accents, the z is given a sort of jh sound. The name was meant as a pun in reference to the very Jabba-like appearance of the pac-man frog.

KeroGero 34 Spearman Scania Currently only used to store Jewel Ore.

The name comes from the Japanese equivalent of the sound a frog makes. In other words, ribbit.

If/when the pirate class comes to GMS, I will be remaking this character, possibly as an infighter. I don't know how I'll handle all the junk this character is storing, though...


I currently don't have plans to create any character guides; I prefer to use the ones created by other people.