Scania (GMS)

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Note: Korean MapleStory also has a world named Scania. This article is for the Global MapleStory Scania, and should not be confused with the Korean world.



Scania was the first non-beta world made in the MapleGlobal version of MapleStory. So, as a result, it has a thriving economy, but a very, very large population. Accessing Scania becomes extremely difficult at peak times, even on weekdays and especially on weekends.

Scania is the most reasonable server if you are a beginner as it has the most experienced and seasoned community. However, this also means that a lot of scamming can happen here too. Channel one is used mainly for Party Quests, trading, and chatting. If you want to train hard, then you should go to a channel with lesser population. Channel 8 always has the lowest population, as of now.

Top 5: curryishott 200 Magician, Novinha 200 Warrior, kimcheengk86 200 Magician, xUAEx 199 Warrior, Iphigenia 196 Warrior,