Conflict's Magician Training Guide
- Hey all you fellow maplers.If ur looking for a place to train look in this guide for more details.
Training Places
- Here are training places for you mages out there.
Lvl 1-8
- Maple Island, Green and blue snails.
Lvl 9-10
- Henenys Hunting Ground 1, train at the botom at the snails and if you have a good STR weapon(Stars and Stripes Flag) get alot of pots and go up to the orange mushrooms.
Lvl 11-15
- Henesys Hunting Ground 1,(Henesys Pq is too though for you at this lvl.) Snails and Slimes,
or continue training at the orange muchrooms if you have a good STR weapon.
Lvl 16-20
- Henesys Hunting Groud (if your poor), slimes and Orange Mushrooms.
- Pig Beach (if your rich),avoid Iron hogs
Lvl 21-25
- Pig Beach (if your poor), Avoid iron hogs
- Ant Tunnel 1 (if your rich), Horned Mushrooms(Make sure you ahve alot of Ornage Pots)
Lvl 26-28
- Kerning PQ (KPQ)(Again if your poor)
- Ant Tunnel 1 (If ur rich), Down at the Bottom, Make sure you ahve pots.
Lvl 29-35
- Ant Tunnel At the bottom make sure you have pots, you won't need them when your lvl 33+
because you can always heal yourself.
Lvl 36-40
- Ludi PQ (LPQ) (Again if your poor)
- Terrance Hall (If your rich) teddys
Lvl 41-45
- Ludi PQ (LPQ) (Again if your poor)
- Path of time 3 or 4(If your rich)
Lvl 46-50
- Ludi PQ (LPQ) (Again if your poor)
- Path of time 4 or 5 (if your rich)
1st Job Skills
Improving MP Recovery
With this, you'll recover even more MP every 10 seconds.
Master Level: 16
Type: Passive
Level 1: Constantly additional recovery of MP
Level 8: Constantly additional recovery of MP
Level 15: Constantly additional recovery of MP Recovers about 30+ when standing
Improving MaxMP Increase
When you level up, if SP is used on Max MP, it raises the level of increase for Max MP and get more MP per level up.
Master Level: 10
Type: Passive
Prerequisite: 5 in Improving MP Recovery
Level 1: If MaxMP Level's up, 2, if AP is applied, add 1 more
Level 2:If MaxMP Level's up, 4, if AP is applied, add 2 more
Level 3:If MaxMP Level's up, 6, if AP is applied, add 3 more
Level 4:If MaxMP Level's up, 8, if AP is applied, add 4 more
Level 5:If MaxMP Level's up, 10, if AP is applied, add 5 more
Level 6:If MaxMP Level's up, 12, if AP is applied, add 6 more
Level 7:If MaxMP Level's up, 14, if AP is applied, add 7 more
Level 8:If MaxMP Level's up, 16, if AP is applied, add 8 more
Level 9:If MaxMP Level's up, 18, if AP is applied, add 9 more
Level 10:If MaxMP Level's up, 20, if AP is applied, add 10 more