DUfire's guide to the Meso Saving Cleric

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Introducing: The Meso Saving Cleric!

Most of us have heard the rumors about Clerics and Priests, and if you haven't, you do now. Clerics and Priests are well known for their ability to use VERY few potions because of Heal [HP Recovery] and MP Eater [MP Recovery]. The only pots you need are MP, and the number is greatly reduced when MP Eater is maxed. HP Pots should never be needed after level 35. Although the builds contained here will be mainly focusing on saving yourself from spending unnecessary mesos on potions, they also emphasize on training solo, while still being able to be in a party at the same time if you ever choose.

Information and Version History

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images contained within this guide, nor do I own any of the characters associated with them. Everything displayed in this guide is sole property of Nexon America Incorporated.

Version 1.0.10 - Introduction Completed, Information Added. Expect First Job next version.

Why Cleric?


  • Skill: Heal - Literally eliminates the use of HP pots.
  • Skill: MP Eater - Eliminates 75% of MP Pot buying/usage.
  • Retains mesos earned due to the above.
  • Higher damage rate between 1st and 2nd job.
  • Great partying skills such as Heal, Bless, Holy Symbol, Mystic Door, and Dispel.
  • Highest durability with MP Eater. Matched only by an average warrior.

Why not?

  • Lowest damage after 2nd job.
  • Worst 'Hell Leveling' of any job between 30 - 40.

Making a Cleric

I'm going to start by assuming you have registered on the Maplestory website and have logged into your account. The starting stats of a character are crucial getting out as much damage as your Cleric is worth. Any server choice is fine, you can check BasilMarket.com for prices on certain Magician equipment. Feel free to contact me in Khaini on MageOwnX if you need help [or just need a friend].


Here is where every Mapler gets frustrated - trying to get the perfect dice roll. The key is to GO SLOW and try not to skip any good rolls. You want Str to be 4 or 5, and Dex to be 4 or 5. As long as those two are 4 or 5, Int and Luk don't matter. If you decide to keep your Str at 5, don't let your Dex be 5 also, make sure it's a 4.

Example 1
Str - 4
Dex - 4
Int - Anything
Luk - Anything

Example 2
Str - 4 or 5
Dex - 4
Int - Anything
Luk - Anything

Example 3
Str - 4
Dex - 4 or 5
Int - Anything
Luk - Anything

Example one is what everyone should shoot for, but sometimes it can take over half an hour ot get the desired result. I myself have never rolled a 4/4 combination, but with a few bucks laying around, a 4/5 or 5/5 is easily fixable.