Darkpark's Bandit guide

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Now really good how you made it in the 2nd advancement. Gratz. Now you're a bandit and we bandits mainly use daggers. Now check the pros and cons about being a bandit.

The Pros - good in close combat. - make good damages - stuff aren't very expensive.

The Cons - not good long ranged attacks. - earlier levels it is hard. - the skills don't pawn that much.

Now since you have read the pros and cons, we might as well move on to the training reference. By the way, the thing about hard at earlier levels, are only the fist 11 levels might be hard to level up. But you'll get over it. Ok. Here is the training lists, so... good luck! Please Note: Put all your skill points on savage blow before anything else.

30-35 You can train on wild boars in the place Land of Wild Boars, which is located at perion street corner. Then go at the bottom left. Go in the wooden door and there it is. You guys can also train in the ant tunnel. In the ant tunnel you should train on the horny mushrooms. But to tell you this. In the Land of Wild Boars, there is a monster called Jr. Boogie, which you shouldn't fight yet.

35- 40 Yay! lvl 35! You guys can use korean fan which is good. Now level 35 is good to train on Fire boars! They can be found at the place, The Burnt Land. Your savage blow should be strong enough. Also you can train on Wild Boars. Do ludibrium party quest. They have great drops and good experience. Remember, put all your skill points on savage blow until maxed.

40-45 Wow. That was a long way. Now maybe you might have maxed savage blow and pretty strong now. So try on Jr. Grupin, Jr. Lioner, and Jr. Cellion because they give good drops and experience. You can still do Ludibrium party quest. Note: Put now skill points on haste and try to master haste. xD Its good for paty quests and ppl would want to invite you. then put 1 on steal.

45-50 Ok. You can do Ludibrium party quest until lvl 51. Its a limit level of 35- 51. Dx but you can train now on Star Pixies. They drop good and clean panlids. xD Then you can sell panlids to people and get more money! By the way, you can still do Ludibrium party quest too.

50-55 Now you bandits are so strong you guys can kill my latest rival, Zombie Lupin. But also kill lupins too. Also train on Star Pixies. Note: WAHHHHHH. Can't do ludibrium party quest no more Dx

55-60 Now still work on zombie lupins. You can also train on other types of pixies. Or help some noobs train. But never mind that.

60-65-70 Cool. 3rd advancement! But 60-70 you can train on Drakes. Or this is the cool part, go to hot sand in Florina Beach. Cool part here is the Coolie Zombies! Now Coolie Zombies are in Dead Mine, El Nath. The limit to go into Dead Mine is Level 50. So since you're level 60 and up, there should be no problem. Note: When you are in Dead Mine, make sure to bring a lot of antidotes.

Now to conclude this guide, good luck on the 3rd advancement! I'll tell you what you have to do. You have to kill Dark Lord's evil clone. So that will be challenging. So... good luck on that. xD