Spearman, Spear Guide
»Foreword More than a weapon, a spear may be a symbol of power. In the Chinese martial arts community, the Chinese spear (qi?ng ?) is popularly known as the "king of weapons".
»Introduction As you may know, a spearman may excel in using either a spear or a polearm. In this guide, I will be focusing more on the spear, over the polearm.
»Weapon Facts Spears and polearms are both 2 handed, generally slow weapons. Spears are stronger when stabbing, and Polearms are stronger when slashing.
»Why Spears over Polearms?
Though polearms are better in the 2nd job,(due to the 3/2 slash stab ratio) spears are much better than polearms in 3rd job because of a skill called Spear Buster, which in addition to being your main attack, will force a stabbing animation. Pros: -The stabing animation is more effective when using spears. -The Third Job skill, Dragon Buster, is maximized by using spears. (We will be looking closer into this topic later in the guide)
Cons: -Expensive for high leveled spears. -The overhead swing animation is weak when using a spear. -Both spear and polearm are slow weapons, so leveing takes patience. -Overhead swing is used more often than stab (3/2)
»Stat Distribution In the beginning, when you create your character, the LUK and INT should be 4 and 4. How come? Warriors do not need INT or LUK. STR is need to wear armor and to power your attacks, while DEX is needed for accuracy and to highten your minimal damage.
At the following levels, your STR and DEX should look like this: lvl 10: Str 52, Dex 10 lvl 15: Str 67, Dex 20 lvl 20: Str 72, Dex 40 lvl 25: Str 87, Dex 50 lvl 30: Str 102, Dex 60 Note1: Get your Second Job Advance now. Note2: You will need at least 60 DEX to complete your Second Job Test EFFECTIVELY.
At the follwing Levels, your DEX should be: lvl 35: Dex 67, Others goes to STR lvl 40: Dex 67, Others goes to STR lvl 45: Dex 72, Others goes to STR lvl 50: Dex 77, Others goes to STR lvl 55: Dex 80, Others goes to STR lvl 60: Dex 80, Others goes to STR lvl 70: Dex 80, Others goes to STR Note1: I capped my DEX at 80 because the point of a cap is to minimize the points used for DEX while maximizing the points used for STR, but still be able to hit monsters. You may cap your dex earlier if you can afford it. Common capping points are 60, 50, 40, and 20, where the lower you go, the more money you need. Note2: Get your Third Job Advance.
»Skill Distribution
First Job Advance: Warrior - Improving HP Recovery 5 - Improving Max HP Increase 10 - Slash Blast 20 - Power Strike 20 - Endure 6 Note1: The last 6 points you have can't really be put to use, so i suggest either hp recovery or endure, as both are passive skills.
Second Job Advance: Spearman - Spear Mastery 19 - Spear Booster 6 - Final Attack: Spear 30 - Spear Mastery 20 - Iron Wall 3 - Hyper Body 30 - Iron Wall 20 - Spear Booster 20 Note1: Why only 19 in Spear Mastery? Level 20 only gives one extra accuracy, which you won't need until later. Note2: Why 6 into Booster? Early on, your weapon is slow. The 6 points into Booster allows you to attack faster instead of slowly meaning it will help you train more effectively.
»Training Grounds Level 1-10 Snails on Maple Island Level 10-15 Slimes at the Slime Tree Level 15-20 Stay at Slimes in the Slime Tree around level 19 you can go to Pigs in Pig Beach Level 20-25 Pigs and ribbon pigs in pig beach Level 25-30 PQ if you can.
Level 25-30 Masks in Perion Construction Site Level 25-30 Ant Tunnel 1 or and tunnel 4 with a party Level 30-35 Wild Boars, Evil Eyes are also an option Level 35-40 Sakura Cellions, or jr. kitties in orbis, or Brown Teddies in Ludibrium Level 40-50 Ludibrium Pq, Straw Dummies in Mu lung (might be too difficult until late 40s) Paper Lanterns and Dark Cloud Foxes in Zipangu (partied with a cleric near your level) Level 50-55 Straw Dummies if you can find a map, Rush Orbis Pq Level 55-60 Forest of Golem (FoG) If you are on a less crowded server, Zombies (partied with a cleric with bless maxed) Straw Dummies (Still good but not great) 3 Tailed Foxes. Level 60-70 Fog or Zombies.
When i get far enough to write about dks, i will